Extracting metals

What is an ore?
Rock that contains enough of a metal or metal compound to make it worth extracting.
1 of 16
How is iron oxide reduced?
At high temperatures in a blast furnace.
2 of 16
What percentage of iron does this produce?
3 of 16
What properties are caused as a result of the impurities?
It is hard and brittle and has only a few uses as cast iron.
4 of 16
Why do we not make the iron pure?
It would be too soft to use for many things.
5 of 16
why are steels alloys of iron?
They are mixtures of iron, carbon and other elements.
6 of 16
What are the differences in properties between low-carbon and high-carbon steels?
Low carbon are easily shaped and soft whereas high-carbon are the opposite.
7 of 16
Why is ir surprising that aluminium is high up in the reactivity series?
It is resistant to corrosion.
8 of 16
Why can aluminium not be reduced using carbon?
It is more reactive than it.
9 of 16
How is aluminium extracted?
By electrolysis of molten aluminium oxide.
10 of 16
List 2 properties of titanium?
Stong, corrosion resistant, low density.
11 of 16
What is smelting?
Heating the copper-rich ore strongly in a furnace.
12 of 16
Smelting produced impure copper, how can this be made pure?
By electrolysis
13 of 16
How does phytomining work?
The plants are burnt and the ash is used to extract copper.
14 of 16
What does bioleaching use to produce solutions containing copper compounds?
15 of 16
What makes transition metals 'useful' metals?
Good conductors of heat and electricity and strong but can be hammered into shape.
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How is iron oxide reduced?


At high temperatures in a blast furnace.

Card 3


What percentage of iron does this produce?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What properties are caused as a result of the impurities?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why do we not make the iron pure?


Preview of the front of card 5
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