Extracting Metals

How can metals be extracted?
In a blast furnace
1 of 10
What enters the blast furnace through the top?
Carbon and Iron Ore enter the blast furnace through the top
2 of 10
What enters the blast furnace through the bottom?
Air enters the blast furnace through the bottom
3 of 10
What exits the blast furnace near the top?
Waste Gases exit the blast furnace near the top
4 of 10
Is the highest temperature at the top or the bottom?
The highest temperature is at the top
5 of 10
Is the lowest temperature at the top or the bottom?
The lowest temperature is at the bottom
6 of 10
What is second-from bottom in the blast furnace?
Liquid Waste is second from bottom in the blast furnace.
7 of 10
What is bottom in the blast furnace?
Liquid Iron is bottom in the blast furnace.
8 of 10
What is liquid waste otherwise known as?
Liquid Waste is otherwise known as 'The ****'
9 of 10
What reaction occurs in a blast furnace.
A displacement reaction occurs in a blast furnace as the carbon is displacing the iron from the ore.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What enters the blast furnace through the top?


Carbon and Iron Ore enter the blast furnace through the top

Card 3


What enters the blast furnace through the bottom?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What exits the blast furnace near the top?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Is the highest temperature at the top or the bottom?


Preview of the front of card 5
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