Explanations of media infleunces in agression

What are the three processes linked to media infleunces
Cognitive priming, desensitisation, disinhibition
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What is cognitive priming(Berkowitz)
proposed idea to explain short term effects of exposure to media violence.
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Whats cognitive priming
a temporary increase in the accessibility of thoughts and ideas
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How does it work
1. people exposed to violent media, activtes violent thoughts/ideas, which in turn activates other agressive thoughts in memory pathways.
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What can cognitive priming cause
Priming of aggressive thoughts and behaviour, a violent film can lower an individual's threshold for violent thoughts, making them more accessible
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Evaluation of cognitive priming
Research support from Bushman(1998)-study of 200 males and female undergraduates. Either watched 15 min of violent or non violent film. Those that watched the violent one had quicker reactions to aggressive words, than those who watched the non-violent fi
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Weakness of cognitive priming
Atkin(Realism plays a major role|), priming is less likely to occur if violent scenes aren't realistic.
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What is desensitisation
Assumes that under normal conditions anxiety about violence/aggression inhibits the use of violence and agression. Media violence removes this anxiety- we become desensitised to violence in real life as weve seen it being portrayed as an acceptable behavi
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What happens when desensitisation occurs
Pyslogical arousal is reduced, when indivduals are exposed to violece they become desensitised to violence
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What are individuals who are desensitized gonna do
Less likely to notice violence irl, less likely to show sympathy, have less notice of violence(negative views of violence).
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What's a strength of desensitization explanation
Research support from Carnegery- partcipants played a non violent or violent game for 20 mins, watched film after this displaying 10 mins of violence, heart rate was monitored. Found that those who watched a non violent game, had much higher rates than th
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What is disinhibition
Watching or playing violent content will change whats considered acceptable by societies standards, exposure to this legitmises the use of violence because the media undermines the social sanctions which come with violence
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What are the short term effects of deinhibitition
Can have both short, long term effects. Short term is where the gain triggers phycological arousal leading to increased probability that violence will occur.
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What are the long term effects
prologed expsoure Creates sense that violence is normal and an acceptable part of every day life. Guilt and concern for violence is reduced because it is left unpunished on media. Feels less inhibited so may do it again
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Weakness of deinhibition
Depends on several other factors too, some relate to viewers themselves some relate to context. Child is more likely to be affected in long term, and will be less likely to think about the consequences of aggression. If they grow up in household which dis
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is cognitive priming(Berkowitz)


proposed idea to explain short term effects of exposure to media violence.

Card 3


Whats cognitive priming


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Card 4


How does it work


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What can cognitive priming cause


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