Institutional Agression essay plan

  • Created by: EClou
  • Created on: 20-02-16 22:27

3 Main Explanations of institutional aggression: A


  • Irwin and Cressey (1962) - agression occurs in institutions - prisons/military - bc ppl in them have spec. characteristics that make them aggressive - THEY AREN'T "BLANK SLATES"
  • these are IMPORTED - prisoners bring own soc. histories and traits w/ them
  • influences adapt. to prison env.- DISPOSITIONAL EXPLANATION (- explain)


  • Paterline + Peterson (1999) - pris/patnt agg. is due to oppressive/stressful cond in institution
  • mainly crowding (incr. fear/frustration) and staff experience (less exp. - > to be victims)
  • frustration-aggressuon hypoth = frustration -> to agg.  - SITUATIONAL EXPL


  • moral inhibit. about violence reduced by dehumanisation of target group through derogatory naming eg 'tutsi cockroaches' - Hutu controlled hate-radio station +'Judenshwiene' propaganda - they seem worthless results in agg. 
  • explains agg towards eg gypsies in UK due to media portrayals
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AO2 - explanations of institutional Aggression


  • fits people's intuition about agg.- i.e. agg. happens in prison bc agg ppl go to prison
  • + Harer+ Steffensmeier (2006) - data from 58 US prisons - black inmates > white for agg beh but white>black drug/alch misconduct - mirrors wider US society
  • + DeLisi et al (2004) - prison records for 831 inmates - agg beh. mainly caused by ppl who are agg. outside prison - beh. before prison = good predictor for beh. in prison. 
  • + both show indiv. diffs - gd support - Allendar + Marcell gang members disproportionately engage in acts of prison agg. - agg. before prison +++
  • - evidence limited to prisons - not real life -- eco val


  • + McCorkle et al (1995) - over-crowding, lack of privacy + meaningful activity all sig. incr. peer agg. boredom+frust. -> agg
  • - doesn't look at violence towards staff
  • - Jaing + Fisher-Giorlando (2002) - 432 prison records - most restrictive regime prisons = most violence towards staff - also showed IMP MOD = best predictor of p on p agg.
  • - *also supported by Poole and Regoli
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AO2 - explanations of institutional Aggression con


  • +Milgram (1974) - explored conflict betw. ps obedience to personal conscience + auth. fig.- using teacher/learner exp. - obedient ps allocated victims 25.3% of resp. but disobedient ps allocated victims 12.8% of blame 
  • +more agg. morelikely to blame victim - couldnt see victim - reduced
  • +also shows can encourage institutional agg. w/ propagana suggesting vics "deserve it"
  • -measures obedience not agg.
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AO3 - explanations of institutional Aggression

IDAs + AO3

  • Deterministic  - situational (i.e. dep. model) - bcome agg. regardless of personality bc of environment  - no control over agg.
  • Gender Bias - androcentric research - most ps are male
  • unethical - dehumanisation - victims subjected high levels of trauma 
  • also hard to operationalise investigations into dehumanisation - therefore *** gert empirical/measuable/objective ev or quant/qual ev.
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