Other questions in this quiz

2. As Hector is dying, what does he beg Achilles to do?

  • Marry Andromache to Paris in order to care for his son.
  • Return his body to the Trojans for burial in Troy.
  • Retrieve Helen from his brother Paris and return her to Menelaus.
  • Take his son back to Argos and care for him as a father would.

3. How does Andromache find out about Hector's death?

  • Aphrodite delivers a dream to her in which the event is set out as it happened.
  • She hears the soothsayer announcing it in the city marketplace.
  • She hears Priam and Hecabe weeping at the city walls.
  • Iris appears before her and tells her of Hector's fate.

4. How do the Gods betray Hector and lead him to his death?

  • Zeus sends down a burning arrow to weaken him, helping Achilles catch up with him to kill him.
  • Athene disguises herself as a Trojan ally and convinces Hector they can attack Achilles.
  • Hera fills him with an inflated sense of confidence, leading him to believe that he can attack Achilles.
  • Apollo disguises himself as Hecabe and calls him into the open plain of the battle field.

5. When Achilles first finds Hector, what has he been doing?

  • Preparing Patroclus' body for burial in Argos.
  • Speaking to the Achaean soothsayer in Argos.
  • Chasing Apollo who was disguised as Agenor.
  • Confronting Priam on the city walls of Ilium.


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