Europe pre 1095

  • Created by: Emilia1
  • Created on: 31-05-17 09:44
What was the Great Schism?
Split between the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Church in 1054
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What is Petrine authority?
the idea that Christ bestowed the 'keys of the kingdom' on Peter (the first Pope according to Roman Catholic tradition)
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What was the Donation of Constantine?
A forged document from the Emperor Constantine that supposedly transferred authority over Rome and Western Roman Empire to the Pope. Composed in the 8th Cent. it was used in 13th Cent. in support of political authority of the Papacy
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What was the Pentarchy?
The idea that Christendom is ruled over by the Patriarchs of the five major episcopal sees of the Roman Empire: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem
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Why were European Knights so violent?
Custom that Father's lands split between his sons. Over time this divided land into smaller portions and increased number of Knights and likelihood of disputes. They often terrorised their own neighbourhoods to gain more power
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Why was the Church reluctant to condemn the violent knights?
They often funded monasteries and churches so the Church developed teachings to explain why it was acceptable to fight for the state and use armies in war
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When were secular rulers prevented from choosing the Pope?
1059 wen Gregorian reformer gathered in Rome and issued the Nomine Domine deciding that the Pope will be chosen by a college of cardinals
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When did Pope Gregory VII issue Dictatus Papae and what did it say?
1075 it said that secular rulers could no longer appoint church officials
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What was the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry IV's reaction the the Dictatus Papae?
He tried to remove the Pope and so Gregory excommunicated him
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When Henry IV was excommunicated what happened in Germany?
The German nobles saw it as a chance to gain more power and revolted against Henry in the Great Saxon revolt and elected a new king- Rudolph
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How did Henry IV apologise to the Pope in 1077?
He walked bare foot in the snow
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When and how did Henry try and reassert his authority after his apology in 1077?
In 1081 he killed Rudolph and invaded Rome
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Why was Gregory forced into exile?
He had asked the Normans to help protect Rome from Henry IV but they ***** and pillaged the city, forcing Gregory to flee and he died in exile
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How was the Investiture Contest brought to an end?
With the concordat of Worms in 1122 which removed the secular right of investiture but gave secular rules the right to have an unofficial say in appointing Church officials
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What was St Augustine's Just War Theory?
-Must be proclaimed by legitimate authority like a King or bishop, must be a just cause like defending from an enemy attack, must show right intention using minimal violence to achieve aim
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In the 1070s how did Pope Gregory VII begin to establish the idea of using Knights to fight on behalf of the Papacy?
He attempted to recruit knights from across Europe to form a papal army, 1074 announced plans to lead an army to help Christians being attacked by Turks and capture Jerusalem, 1076, offered absolution of sins to Roger of Sicily's army against the Mus
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Petrine authority?


the idea that Christ bestowed the 'keys of the kingdom' on Peter (the first Pope according to Roman Catholic tradition)

Card 3


What was the Donation of Constantine?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the Pentarchy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why were European Knights so violent?


Preview of the front of card 5
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