The Calling of the First Crusade was a product of the ambition of the reform Papacy'



  • Pope Urban was a Gregorian reformer - who wished to restore papal authority over western Europe. Urban saw himself as a shepard - the crusade was a way of saving his flock from eternal damnation through the promise of indulgence. Can also be argued that Urban wanted to assert his authority over the Eastern Orthodox Church following the schism of 1054 where the two churches split over a doctrinal dispute including the source of the Holy Spirit.
  • The reform movement also wanted the church to have control over investing clergy (priests, bishops etc.). In the 1090s Urban was embroiled in the Investiture Contest with the Holy Roman Emperor Henry V who had his own 'anti' pope (in 1095 this was Clement III). By rallying Europe under his banner Urban established himself as the more powerful pope.


  • The 1st Crusade was just a responce to Emperor Alexius' plea for help at the Council of Piacenza. Following the Battle of Manzikert in 1071 Alexius had lost a vast amount of his lands in Anatolia to the Seljuks (who were muslim) the loss was a finacial blow for Alexius and by…


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