Ethics and Philosophy

  • Created by: I.L.L.E
  • Created on: 07-03-14 16:23
What are the three types of believers?
Athiest Agnostic Theist
1 of 6
what is the first cause argument?
something must have caused the world. everything has a cause. there must have been an uncaused cause of the first cause to create the world. the first cause hase to exist out side of the universe. therefore God exists.
2 of 6
what is the design argument?
everything that is complex must have a creator. the universe is complex therefor it myst have a creator the creator must be external the only thing we know to be external to the universe is God therefore God exists
3 of 6
what is the argument for miracles?
a miracle is something that breaks the law of nature this has to be a supernatural event this have to have come from outside of the universe the only thing we know to be ouseside of the universe is God therefore God exists
4 of 6
What is the argumen for religious expiriences?
mant people have a comunication with god which is supernatural this is a personal expirience a supernatural event occurs for outside the universe the only thing we know to beoutside of the universe os God therefore God exists.
5 of 6
What is the theory of evolution against the desighn argument?
goes against theist beliefe of god puting us here in our human forms
6 of 6

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Card 2


what is the first cause argument?


something must have caused the world. everything has a cause. there must have been an uncaused cause of the first cause to create the world. the first cause hase to exist out side of the universe. therefore God exists.

Card 3


what is the design argument?


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Card 4


what is the argument for miracles?


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Card 5


What is the argumen for religious expiriences?


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