English Terminology


1. What is the difference between euphemism and dysphemism?

  • Euphemism is the literal meaning of words and dysphemism is when a word can have a double meaning behind it.
  • Euphemism is putting something socially unacceptable in a polite manner, whereas dysphemism is not socially acceptable and is something said in an innapropriate manner.
  • Euphemism is not socially acceptable and is something said in an innapropriate manner, whereas, dysphemism is putting something socially unacceptable in a polite manner.
  • Euphemism is extremely unacceptable in the society, for example, swear words. Dysphemism is a polite manner of speech.
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2. What is an enlarged example extracted from a text called?

  • Sub-heading.
  • Grab quote.
  • Headline.
  • Caption.

3. What is a superlative?

  • A command shown within a sentence.
  • One adjective relating to another and usually ending in '-ier'.
  • Adjectives that are presented in the most extreme value and usually ending with '-est'.
  • A word showing a mental process.

4. What is a definite article?

  • a 'doing' word.
  • 'you'.
  • 'the'.
  • 'a/an'

5. What is a hypophora?

  • Informal language.
  • Over-exaggeration of something.
  • An answer immediately following a rhetorical question.
  • A word which could have different multiple meanings.


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