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6. What is a superlative?

  • A word showing a mental process.
  • Adjectives that are presented in the most extreme value and usually ending with '-est'.
  • One adjective relating to another and usually ending in '-ier'.
  • A command shown within a sentence.

7. What is an adjacency pair?

  • Two words that are spelt different, yet sound exactly the same.
  • When two speakers say the same thing at the same time.
  • A response which depends on and results from the previous utterance.
  • An organised and co-ordinated manner in the way in which the speakers speak.

8. Intonation, stress and pitch are examples of what features?

  • Phonological features.
  • Prosodic features.
  • Paralinguistic features.

9. Which of the following is an example of a tag question?

  • 'Is it warm?'
  • 'It's warm, isn't it?'
  • 'Will it get warmer soon?'
  • 'When was the last time it was this warm? When shall we go out?'

10. What is an ellipsis?

  • Representation of a significant pause.
  • Omission of a vowel/syllable in the pronunciation of a word.
  • Omission of vowel at the end of the word when the next word begins with a vowel.
  • One speaker speaking over another, interuppting them.

11. What is the difference between intonation and pitch?

  • Intonation is the variance in the speaker's voice and pitch refers to the actual tone.
  • Pitch refers to the general variance in the speaker's voice and intonation refers to the actual tone.
  • Intonation refers to the actual sound of the word.

12. What is the use of contradictory words in a phrase known as?

  • Collocations.
  • Antithesis.
  • Oxymoron.
  • Juxtaposition.

13. What is it called when two words are connected with a hyphen?

  • Compound Words.
  • Pastiche.
  • Portmanteau.
  • Clipping.

14. When a speaker is directly referred to, what is it called?

  • A prosodic feature.
  • Received Pronunciation.
  • A non-fluency feature.
  • Idiolect.

15. What is a word with 2/+ more syllables called?

  • Polysyllabic lexis.
  • Monosyllabic lexis.

16. What is an enlarged example extracted from a text called?

  • Sub-heading.
  • Caption.
  • Grab quote.
  • Headline.

17. What is the difference between euphemism and dysphemism?

  • Euphemism is putting something socially unacceptable in a polite manner, whereas dysphemism is not socially acceptable and is something said in an innapropriate manner.
  • Euphemism is extremely unacceptable in the society, for example, swear words. Dysphemism is a polite manner of speech.
  • Euphemism is not socially acceptable and is something said in an innapropriate manner, whereas, dysphemism is putting something socially unacceptable in a polite manner.
  • Euphemism is the literal meaning of words and dysphemism is when a word can have a double meaning behind it.

18. What is a hypophora?

  • An answer immediately following a rhetorical question.
  • Over-exaggeration of something.
  • A word which could have different multiple meanings.
  • Informal language.

19. What is an 'indirect reference' to something called?

  • Allusion.
  • Acronym.
  • Analogy.
  • Metaphor.
  • Semantic.

20. What is rhetoric?

  • Contrasting language.
  • Persuasive language.
  • A question which compels the reader to consider the answer.
  • A question requiring an answer.