english as

  • Created by: melody
  • Created on: 09-05-13 12:03
what is the framework
- pragmatics - semantics + lexis -graphology -phonological divices -form/genre -topic -audience -purpose -register -context -grammar + syntax
1 of 15
what are the different theories
-lakoff - face theory -positive politeness -gracie's maxims -accomidation -tannen
2 of 15
what are gracie's maxims
-quality -guantity -relevance -manner
3 of 15
what are the different pronoun groups
- personal - pssessive - relexive - relative - interrogative - demonstrative
4 of 15
what are the noun classifications
- common/ concrete - proper - abstract - collective
5 of 15
what is labov's overt presige theory about
its midddle class womens need for satus so they use standard english and hypercorrections
6 of 15
what is trugill's covert prestige theory about
it is about middle class men and how they dont mind using slang and non standard english with things like expletives
7 of 15
what is tannens report rapport talk about
men and womes - physical oriention - status and connection - directness& indirectness - public and private talk - ritual opposition - convertational style
8 of 15
what is an adress term
is Mr, Mrs, Miss and Ms
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diminutive suffixes
using ess or ette on the ends of words to make them feminine like waitress
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generic terms
man and he are used to explain all people i.e. man made
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lexical asymmertry
pairs of words that seem to be equal oftern are not with the female term having been degraded in some way
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marked terms
we say ladydoctor becuse if we say doctor they assume its a man's job and the same with saying male nurse as the assume it would be a women that is the nurse
13 of 15
semantic fields
terms for women oftern derive from items of food, clothes or animals
14 of 15
what is hedging
using phrases like sort of kind of
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the different theories


-lakoff - face theory -positive politeness -gracie's maxims -accomidation -tannen

Card 3


what are gracie's maxims


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are the different pronoun groups


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the noun classifications


Preview of the front of card 5
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