English Framework

  • Created by: Emma
  • Created on: 14-10-15 20:01
A verbal pointing word that situate a speaker or writer in relation to what is said and are therefore context-bound e.g. here, there, this, that
1 of 8
What is the definition that describes the distinctive features an individual's particular language or speech patterns that marks them out as an individual?
2 of 8
Cosmetic Surgery is an example of a what?
3 of 8
A break from the pattern which is set up in the text is known as what?
Internal Deviation
4 of 8
What is an ellipsis
The omission of words for economical reasons or because the context means that the person listening understands the shortened utterance
5 of 8
What are 'there' and 'their' an example of? and what are they
Homophone -words pronounced the same but have different meanings and may have different spellings
6 of 8
What is a euphemism and can you give an example?
a more socially acceptable word or phrase, e.g. passed away instead of dead
7 of 8
Prosodics is the study of what?
How speakers can shape meanings through emphasising certain aspects of intonation, speed and volume
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is the definition that describes the distinctive features an individual's particular language or speech patterns that marks them out as an individual?



Card 3


Cosmetic Surgery is an example of a what?


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Card 4


A break from the pattern which is set up in the text is known as what?


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Card 5


What is an ellipsis


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