Electron configuration, Periodic table and Isotopes

How can we present the structure of the atom?
Using diagrams called electron shell diagrams or a by writing a notation called the electronic configuration.
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How do the electrons orbit the nucleus?
In shells, each shell has a different amount of energy associated with it.
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What happens to the energy of the shell the further away a shell is from the nucleus?
The shells have more energy the further away the shell is.
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What shell do the electrons fill?
The shell closest to the nucleus.
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How many electrons can each shell hold?
1st- 2 electrons
2nd- 8 electrons
3rd- 8 electrons
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What is the outermost shell of the atoms called?
The valence shell.
An atom is more stable if it can fill the 4th shell with electrons.
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How do you write down the electron configuration?
The numbers in order of shells separated by comas.
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What do the number of notations in the electron configuration show?
It show the number of occupied shells of electrons the atom has which shows the period in which the element is.
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What does the last notation of outer shell electrons show?
It shows the number of outer electrons the element has which shows the group in which the element belongs.
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What do elements that are in the same group have in common.
They have the same number of outer shell electrons.
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Why do atoms react?
Most atoms do not have a full outer shell of electrons so they react in order to gain a full outer shell.
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Why do atoms wish to fill their outer shell electrons?
Because that is a much more stable configuration.
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Which group all have outer shell electrons?
Group VIII
They are unreactive as they have full outer shell electrons thus are very stable.
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What are isotopes?
Isotopes are different atoms of the same element that contain the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.
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How do you write the symbol of an isotope?
The chemical symbol followed by a dash and then the mass number.
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What do isotopes of the same element have in common?
They have the same chemical properties.
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Why do isotopes have the same chemical properties?
Because they have the same number of electrons in their outer shell and electron configuration which determines an atom's chemical properties.
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What are the differences between the isotopes?
-Neutron number
-Mass of the number
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What does the difference in mass affect?
Difference in mass affects the physical properties e.g. melting point, boiling point
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do the electrons orbit the nucleus?


In shells, each shell has a different amount of energy associated with it.

Card 3


What happens to the energy of the shell the further away a shell is from the nucleus?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What shell do the electrons fill?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many electrons can each shell hold?


Preview of the front of card 5
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