Topic 1A - Atomic Structure, Bonding and Properties


Understand the terms atom and molecule

Atom: the smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist

Molecule: a group of atoms bonded together

Understand the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures

Elements - only contain one type of atom and the list of elements is the periodic table

Compounds - a mix of two or more atoms

Mixtures - combination of two or more compound/molecule

Understand that atoms consist of a central nucleus, composed of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons, orbiting in shells:


Recall the relative mass and relative charge of a proton, neutron and electron


Understand the terms atomic number, mass number and isotopes

Atomic Number -the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

Mass Numberthe total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus

Isotopes - Atoms with the same number of protons, but differing numbers ofneutrons. Isotopes are different forms of a single element

Understand that the Periodic Table is an arrangment of elements in order of atomic number

Deduce the electronic configurations of the first 20 elements from their positions on the Periodic Table

Groups are colmns in the periodic table; the group number represents the number of electrons on the outer shell.
Periods are rows on the periodic table; the row corresponds with number of shell.

Deduce the number of outer electrons in a main group element from its position in the Periodic Table

So if you have an element on the third row down in group seven: it will


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