Education - General

What are the 4 processes?
Organisation of teaching and learning (Ball, Keddie and Hargreaves), The hidden curriculum (Bowles and ginitis), Subcultures (Willis) & Labelling (Becker)
1 of 7
What is a structuralist?
Someone who believes in structure (no free will)
2 of 7
What is an actionist?
Someone who believes in agency (free will)
3 of 7
4 Features of functionalism
1. No free will (structuralist theory) 2. Unequal as society is based on meritocracy 3. All structures are important and equally needed 4. Without 1 structure society will fall
4 of 7
4 features of Marxism
1.Don't like that structures shape us as it creates class conflict 2. There are 2 classes (Proletariat and Bourgeoisie) 3. The economy is the most important structure (the base) 4. Polarisation occurs over time and means that the wc is class concious
5 of 7
4 types of feminism
1. Radial 2. Marxist 3. Liberal 4. Post
6 of 7
Who are the New Right?
- conservative - 1988 education reform act - Created marketisation - Belived competition would raise standers so introduced ofsted and league tables
7 of 7

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Card 2


What is a structuralist?


Someone who believes in structure (no free will)

Card 3


What is an actionist?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


4 Features of functionalism


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


4 features of Marxism


Preview of the front of card 5
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