Earth and Environmental Dynamics

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 13-05-15 15:30

1. Which is not a feature of Hampton's 60yrs of enviro change in the world's largest freshwater lake?

  • Results suggest that cladocerans increased strongly in response to temperature but not to algal biomass, and cladocerans depressed some algal resources without observable fertilization effects
  • Attaining depths over 1.6 km, Lake Baikal is the deepest and most voluminous of the world's great lakes. Increases in average water temperature (1.21 °C since 1946)
  • We show that two processes of atmospheric forcing—an increasing occurrence of La Niña events and rising levels of summer insolation—had a stronger influence during the late Holocene than oceanic processes driven by southern westerly winds and upwell
  • High-resolution data collected over the past 60 years by a single family of Siberian scientists on Lake Baikal reveal significant warming of surface waters and long-term changes in the basal food web of the world's largest, most ancient lake
  • Changes in Lake Baikal are particularly significant as an integrated signal of long-term regional warming, because this lake is expected to be among those most resistant to climate change due to its tremendous volume
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2. Which is not a conclusion of Medina in a global review of the impacts of invasive cats on island endangered vertebrates?

  • Cats have contributed to a minimum of 24% of all bird, mammal, and reptile extinctions and the decline of at least 8% of critically endangered birds, mammals, and reptiles
  • More studies are needed that quantify changes in the survival, reproductive success, or population size of native vertebrates following cat eradication
  • Cats have contributed to a minimum of 14% of all bird, mammal, and reptile extinctions and the decline of at least 8% of critically endangered birds, mammals, and reptiles
  • Existing studies suffered from uneven geographic coverage of vertebrate orders (e.g. clumping of reptile studies in the Caribbean and mammal studies in the Eastern Pacific) and limited quantification of impacts or controlled experimental design.
  • More research on the impacts of feral cats on island animals can improve these guidelines and thus improve the prioritization of islands for cat eradication.
  • Our review undoubtedly underestimated the impact of cats on native species due to the lack of studies on numerous islands of the world and on numerous endangered species particularly in Asia, Indonesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia

3. Which is not a key idea in Holden's Energy flow, in An Introduction to physical geography and the environment?

  • Biochemical cycles involve links with the local variations in geology and climate. For example, raining will wash the phosphorus off rocks into lakes and soils etc making it become available for producers within local food chains to take it up
  • Bioaccumulation can occur whereby less desirable materials may also be taken up and stored if they too are locally bioavailable
  • Population cycle- where populations increase and decrease in size over prolonged periods of times due to various features that occur every so often.
  • Energy and nutrient flows: the life forms initially involved in the process of making food from the sun via photosynthesis are known as producers or autotrophs, found at the first lowest trophic level

4. Which is not a key idea of Holden's Dispersal and Distribution in An Introduction to the physical geography and the environment?

  • Temporal patterns and distributions: geological time, post glacial change, migratory patterns and alien introduction
  • Competition always had significant effects on distribution patterns, on relative abundances, and on diversity, consistent with the notion that competition has strong effects on community structure
  • Global scale patterns of species distribution: climate, geological factors and ecological factors.

5. Which is not a key idea from Bjorck's Younger Dryas Osciliation?

  • With respect to the Younger Dryas oscillation, it is likely that a partial shutdown of the Atlantic conveyor belt decreased northern THC, which led to a warming in the Southern Ocean, explaining the early onset of the interglacial warming in south
  • Axial wobble which is called the precession of the equinoxes. The gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon cause the earth to wobble on its axis
  • It also shows that the Holocene warming began much earlier in the Southern Hemisphere, during the peak of the northern Younger Dryas cooling
  • The transitional overlap between northern–southern warming and cooling is reminiscent of the interhemispheric phase lags during the Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles of glacial time
  • The present interglacial, the Holocene, was preceded by a distinct cool/dry event in the Northern Hemisphere, generally designated the Younger Dryas cooling, and manifested by a winter dominated climatic signature.


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