Downfall of the Weimar Republic

Did a single problem cause the downfall of the Weimar Republic?
1 of 6
Was it inevitable that the Weimar Republic would be replaced by a Nazi dictatorship?
2 of 6
Why was the NSDAP in trouble by 1932?
Decreased votes in 1932 election, it was in debt as contributions from the rich had decreased, membership decreased, fighting within the party a threat to remaining membership, people weren't bothered about extremism
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What Economic crises caused the Weimar Republic to fail?
Hyperinflation, Dawes Plan, Invasion of the Ruhr, Great Depression
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What political crises caused the Weimar Republic to fail?
constitutional loopholes e.g. amount of power given to president under Article 48, Proportional representation
5 of 6
What social crises caused the Weimar Republic to fail?
Opposition from right wing and left wing, Weimar Republic unable to rid itself of myths and lies made up by right wing
6 of 6

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Card 2


Was it inevitable that the Weimar Republic would be replaced by a Nazi dictatorship?



Card 3


Why was the NSDAP in trouble by 1932?


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Card 4


What Economic crises caused the Weimar Republic to fail?


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Card 5


What political crises caused the Weimar Republic to fail?


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