Dominant Ideas

  • Created by: weesavvy
  • Created on: 11-01-22 13:43
What is the Snp's main goal
1 of 8
What referendum took place in 2014 and what was the outcome
Indy Ref 45 yes 55 no
2 of 8
Despite this defeat, independence remained their central goal. So why did no voters vote NO
No voters were not against or hostile towards independence, they were just not convinced.
3 of 8
The SNP did not have another independence vote in their policy, which appealed to many No voters. Why ?
Nicola Sturgeon said that the 2015 election was about ensuring promises made during the referendum were fulfilled.
4 of 8
However what is the problem the SNP face in the UK ?
Have little power
5 of 8
Why can the SNP not win a general election ?
The SNP only sit in Scotland so can never win a General Election and form a UK Government
6 of 8
The SNP have failed to win a vote in parliament, what were they unable to stop
7 of 8
What did Ian Blackford do and why ?
Ian Blackford walked out of the chamber with other SNP MPs they walked out in protest to Scotland being “silenced”.
8 of 8

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Card 2


What referendum took place in 2014 and what was the outcome


Indy Ref 45 yes 55 no

Card 3


Despite this defeat, independence remained their central goal. So why did no voters vote NO


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The SNP did not have another independence vote in their policy, which appealed to many No voters. Why ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


However what is the problem the SNP face in the UK ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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