Do Participants in sport have a higher self-esteem?


1. Do you like to keep up with everyone else? (fashion or Trends)

  • not really.
  • doesn't bother me.
  • Yes i have to be in order to fit in.
  • some things yes, others no.
1 of 8

Other questions in this quiz

2. Are you constantly worried about what people think of you?

  • I like who i am.
  • Sometimes.
  • Doesn't Bother me.
  • All the time.

3. Are you confident in General?

  • I Prefer to keep to myself.
  • Yeah i Guess.
  • I like to think i am.
  • not at all.

4. Do you think you are well liked by your peers/friends?

  • I'm never sure.
  • I like to think so.
  • I know I'm liked.
  • yes.

5. Are you fit?

  • Trying to Be fit.
  • yes.
  • would like to be.
  • Nope.


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