Mood/ Anxiety disorders and Trauma.

  • Created by: Kissinger
  • Created on: 13-12-22 13:21
How many people are affected by depression globally:
>350 million
1 of 36
What is the average onset of depresion:
20-40 years
2 of 36
What role does race play in depression
It is not a factor
3 of 36
"In the U.K., 1 in 20 people experience depression ate any one time"

Identify the source:
Mind (2016)
4 of 36
In order to diagnose MDD, one needs to identify at least 5 symptoms and a depressive episode of at least
>2 weeks.
5 of 36
Which definition best matches Bipolar 1:
At least one episode of major during lifetime. (>1week).
6 of 36
Which definition best matches Bipolar 2:
At least one episode of major depression and hypersominia. (Often induced by substance abuse)
7 of 36
Select the odd symptom out(Bipolar disorder)
8 of 36
How long does episode haft to have to be psychiatrically recognised
1 Week
9 of 36
What is the factor of gender in BiPolar disorder.
It is a Non-Factor
10 of 36
How many Bipolar patients report their condition impairing their work life.
11 of 36
What is the estimated suicide risk of BiPolar patients committing suicide?
12 of 36
Sullivan (2000) et al. suggested that there was a (BLANK) genetic variance for Bipolar disorder.
13 of 36
McGuffin et al. (2003) stated there was (BLANK) of heritability for Bipolar disorder.
14 of 36
Biological treatments for BiPolar disorder are about (BLANK) effective.
15 of 36
Identify the appropriate definition for hoarding disorder.

Definitions appropriated from DCM 5.
Persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value. This difficulty is due to a perceived need to save the items and to the distress associated with discarding them.
16 of 36
Identify the appropriate definition for acute stress disorder.

Definitions appropriated from DCM 5.
The development of specific fear behaviours that last from 3 days to 1 month after a traumatic event. These symptoms always occur after the patient has experienced or witnessed death or threat of death, serious injury or sexual assault.
17 of 36
Identify the appropriate definition for social anxiety disorder.
Persistent, intense fear or anxiety about specific social situations because you believe you may be judged negatively, embarrassed or humiliated. Avoidance of anxiety-producing social situations or enduring them with intense fear or anxiety
18 of 36
Identify the appropriate definition for separation anxiety disorder.
Persistently and excessively fearful or reluctant to be alone or without major attachment figures at home or without significant adults in other settings.
19 of 36
Which study contributed to the idea that acute stress disorder and PTSD may be influenced by dysregulations in cortisol and adrenaline.
Young (2017)
20 of 36
Which study concluded that there is a neurobiological distinction between H.D. and O.C.D.
Hough et al. (2016)
21 of 36
Which study concluded that impaired amygdalas have been associated with more phobic responses.
Blair et al. (2008)
22 of 36
Which study concluded that gender-specific treatments might be more effective.
Kinney et al (2017)
23 of 36
Which study concluded that low self-esteem can be a contributing factor in developing an anxiety disorder.
Frank et al (2007)
24 of 36
This study suggested that anxiety disorders have a complicated pathogenesis
McGregor et al., (2018)
25 of 36
What do HD and OCD have in common
None of the items listed.
26 of 36
This study suggested that a Yedasentience deficit has been associated with OCD.
Woody & Szechtman (2000)
27 of 36
Which study suggests that OCD has been associated with dysfunction within the Orbitofrontal cortex.
Ferreira et al (2021)
28 of 36
Yap & Grishma (2020) suggested that hoarding disorder may be the cause of ...:
29 of 36
Which study suggested that PTSD patients have been known to have higher activation in the Amygdala?
Diamond & Zoladz, 2016
30 of 36
PICA refers to:

CLUE: Disorder is referred to in the TV show "Grimm"
The tendency to consume items that are typically not food
31 of 36
Rumination refers to:
The regurgitation of digested food to maintain a figure.
32 of 36
AFRID refers to:
The lost of hunger and the desire to eat altogether.
33 of 36
Anorexia nervosa refers to:
Viewing one's body as inherently fatter or more disgusting than it actually is.
34 of 36
Which was not a finding from Zellener et al., (1989):
Men desire to be more robust and muscular with their figure
35 of 36
Select the odd sub-disorder out
Using supplements as one's main food source
36 of 36

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the average onset of depresion:


20-40 years

Card 3


What role does race play in depression


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"In the U.K., 1 in 20 people experience depression ate any one time"

Identify the source:


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In order to diagnose MDD, one needs to identify at least 5 symptoms and a depressive episode of at least


Preview of the front of card 5
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