Disability Identity

  • Created by: Woolf123
  • Created on: 14-05-19 13:49
Argues that disabled people are often socialised into seeing themselves as victims and that people with impairments may accept this 'victim mentality' as they can use it as a reason for their failure
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The Social Model of Disability
Focuses on the social and physical barriers to inclusion, such a poor design of building or discriminatory attitudes towards disabled people. This can lead to the view that disability is socially constructed
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Barnes argues that in the mass media representations of disability have generally been oppressive and negative. The media rarely portray people with disabilities as normal and thus do not reflect their daily life
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According to Gill, a polio surviver, reconciling your identity as a disabled person with previously held notions about what being disabled means is a common hurdle
4 of 5
Argues that a disabled person has the ability to construct a self-identity that accepts their impairment but is independent of it
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Card 2


Focuses on the social and physical barriers to inclusion, such a poor design of building or discriminatory attitudes towards disabled people. This can lead to the view that disability is socially constructed


The Social Model of Disability

Card 3


Barnes argues that in the mass media representations of disability have generally been oppressive and negative. The media rarely portray people with disabilities as normal and thus do not reflect their daily life


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Card 4


According to Gill, a polio surviver, reconciling your identity as a disabled person with previously held notions about what being disabled means is a common hurdle


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Card 5


Argues that a disabled person has the ability to construct a self-identity that accepts their impairment but is independent of it


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