Development 3 New borns and reflexes

  • Created by: CaliFish
  • Created on: 11-04-17 14:49
Because humans are mammals, the evolutionary perspective would believe what is the best way to understand new born human behaviour?
Studying the unique features that all mammals exhibit related to birth
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After the dinosaurs were wiped out, what did mammals exhibit?
Adaptive radiation
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Define adaptive radiation
Organisms diversify rapidly from an ancestral species into a multitude of new forms
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Why did mammals survive
They had preadaptions that included endothermy, live births, mammary glands and signalling behaviours
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give the quote that defines these points well
parenting is a consequence of evolutionary adaptions
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What mammalian order to humans belong to?
the primate order
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Name the 3 ways that primates are distinguished by the rest of the mammals
Opposable thumbs. Forward facing eyes (binocular vision). Nail and toe nails.
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Primate infants, compared to other mammals are paradoxical in what sense?
they are precocious and altricial
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define precocious
advanced in development
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Define altricial
born in an undeveloped state and require care
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name 3 ways in which infant primates are precocious
Eyes and ears are not sealed shut. Have almost all the neurones they will ever have. Moderately rapid locomotor ability.
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How are primate infants altricial
dependent on mother for a very long time, can be up to 4 years and have a very delayed child bearing age
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Why is the delayed child bearing stage important?
In terms of natural selection, this is a high investment strategy
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Humans have the longest what periods?
gestational, infant, pre adult and adult periods
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what period do human primates have that other primates do not
a post reproductive period
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name 6 sensory capabilities infants have
Sight. Sound. Taste. Touch. Balance. Smell.
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name the 4 types of touch
Pressure. Pain. Temperature. Proprioception.
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Balance is due what system developing
the vestibular system
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name the 4 types of taste
Sweet. Salty. Sour. Bitter.
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what type of vision do human infants have at birth?
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how long does it take for vision to develop to 20/20
6 years
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what does neonatal mean?
New born
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Neonatal behaviours consist of what?
Responses and reflexes
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the responses are mainly down to what?
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give the 2 examples of neonatal responses
auditory and visual tracking
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the reflexes are related to what 3 things?
Locomotion. Nursing. Clinging.
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Name the 3 types of clinging reflexes with description
Palmar grasp (hand grasp). Plantar grasp (foot grasp). Moro reflex (throwing arms up and across the body when dropped).
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Name the 2 types of nursing reflexes with description
Sucking (sucking motion, seen in baby with only a brain stem/anencephaly). Rooting (turning towards stimuli and making sucking movements).
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Name the 2 types of locomotion reflexes with description
Stepping/crawling (when suspended in air, newborns make stepping motions) ankle clonus (the contraction of muscles)
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some reflexes are vestigial. Define vestigial.
reflexes that have partially or wholly lost their original function
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which reflex previously mentioned is vestigial and why?
the moro reflex because although reaching out and crossing arms may be useful if in the jungle, it is not for new born humans
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who else shows most of these reflexes?
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Although new born babies are equipped with almost all the neurones they will ever she, there is still a substantial amount of what after birth?
brain growth
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the average weight of a baby brain is what?
400 grams
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the average weight of an adult brain is what?
1300 grams
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most of this brain growth is NOT what
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what 2 things is it due to
Glial cells and synaptogenesis
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What do glial cells do and how, what is an example of this
supports neurones by providing structural support and maintenance, myelination
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what are the cells that myelinated in the CNS called
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what are the cells that myelinated in the peripheral system called
Schwann cells
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myelinated neurones have increased what?
conduction velocity
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what feature is responsible for this increased conduction
the nodes of ranvier
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what speed to action potentials in an UNmyelinated cell travel?
1 meter per second
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what speed to action potentials in an myelinated cell travel?
10 to 100 meters per second
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Define synaptogenesis
formation of new synapses
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what is the quote for synaptogenesis
cells that fire together, wire together
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name in order, the cortex's that develop via synaptogensis
the visual cortex, the auditory cortex and the prefrontal cortex
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the same processes occur in who
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define critical period
there is a well defined window of oppurtunity with a clear beginning and end in which something has to happen else there will be atypical development
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define sensitive period
there are periods during which the neural system needs some input else typical development in less likely
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what type of studies are evidence for critical and sensitive periods
deprivation studies
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deprivation can be what two things
sensorimotor or social
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who and when did a sensorimotor deprivation study
Hubel and Weisel, 1964
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what did they study and in who
individual neurones in the visual cortex of adult cats
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what percent of the neurones in the visual cortex are activated by input from both eyes
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this means this vision is what?
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the researchers sowed the kittens eyes closed from when to when
birth to 2 and a half months
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after this period the cat was what?
functionally blind
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the neurones only responded to what?
input from the eye that had not been sown shut
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the visual cortex had organized itself based upon what
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therefore the visual cortex is what
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but this is limited in terms of what
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what problem in human infants is this study helpful for?
congenital cataracts
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what age is too late to remove cataracts and what age is advised (to recover full vision)
7 years is too late and before the age of 3 months is advised
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Although understudied, who looked at social deprivation
bruce perry
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what was a neurobiological difference between a normal childs brain and a romanian infants
less metabolic/glucose activity in ares of the temporal and prefrontal regions
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are all children effected by social deprivation
no some are resilient
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this is mainly based on what
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


After the dinosaurs were wiped out, what did mammals exhibit?


Adaptive radiation

Card 3


Define adaptive radiation


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did mammals survive


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


give the quote that defines these points well


Preview of the front of card 5
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