Crime and the Law

Warrior Gene
A gene that makes people more aggressive, this leads to them committing crimes. For example, those with the genes are 13 times more likely to have a history of repeated behaviour.
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This is as males are more likely to having higher levels of testosterone, which can increase the chances of violence and impaired thinking. Evidence for greater criminality is that 85% of all reported crime in 2017 in the UK, the offenders were males.
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Peer Pressure
This is when a person is pressured into doing something they wouldn’t normally do to, but to fit into a group. For example, UK Rehab says one of the main causes of experimenting with drugs is peer pressure as a teenager.
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Lack of Education
People who grow up in households that do not value education; are more likely to live out on the streets and get involved in illegal acts such as drug and alcohol abuse or join gangs, where they feel they are important. For example, The Prison Reform Trus
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A lack of income may lead to some people shoplifting for food because they have no support coming in and that is only thing they can do to survive. For example, Scotland has seen a rise in survival.
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Sometimes people get into debt and do not use any other way out of their way of their situation other than breaking the law. For example, Scotland continued to dominate the top 20 UK locations with the highest debt levels, with Glasgow and Edinburgh.
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Link between alcohol and crime
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence can be linked with alcohol and crime, as someone can be have violent behaviour within the home, when under the influence of alcohol. For example, alcohol is a factor of 40% of all recorded domestic violence reports.
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Link between alcohol and crime
Drink Driving
Alcohol and crime can be linked with drunk driving, as it is a crime for driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. One in nine deaths on Scotland’s roads is linked to drink driving.
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Some people most likely to commit crime
Young people
This is time where they can be said to set ‘boundaries’ can be faced with peer pressure to join in with a crowd for acceptance. They make commit crime to escape bullying, teenagers may get involved in crime such as; under-age drinking and shoplifting. For
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Some people most likely to commit crime
People who live in poor areas
Lack of facilities can lead to boredom which can lead to involvement in crime for the thrill. For example, Most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods in the UK
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This is as males are more likely to having higher levels of testosterone, which can increase the chances of violence and impaired thinking. Evidence for greater criminality is that 85% of all reported crime in 2017 in the UK, the offenders were males.

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Peer Pressure


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Lack of Education


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