Courtney Pine - Love and affection

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 16-04-22 12:46
Name 3 features of the beginning
free rhythm
no percussion
relatively free harmony
silence for 2 and a half beats
1 of 12
What is the chord progression of the syncopated rising bass?
E - G# - A - B
2 of 12
Which 2 of the chords are altered and how?
G# - first inversion
B - added 4th (E)
3 of 12
What signifies the main 'body' of the song starting?
descending chromatic passage in the bass clarinet
stop time bar - no percussion
4 of 12
The contrasting section starting on the subdominant (A)
middle 8
5 of 12
Name 2 features of the vocal part from the middle 8 section.
repeated notes
use of blues notes e.g. G natural in bar 47
6 of 12
What conventional harmonic feature is used at the end of this middle 8?
A dominant chord (B) which leads back to the tonic (E) at the beginning of the next section.
7 of 12
Describe the 4 bar link from bar 62.
harmonies descend chromatically from G - E
improvised vocals high in their range
blues notes in vocals (flattened 3rd, 5th and 7th)
8 of 12
What are 2 features of the passage beginning at bar 66 and ending at 75.
the sax solo begins on a long cresendoing E.
Tonic pedal of E in the bass.
9 of 12
The texture becomes more ' ' from bars 76 - ' '
10 of 12
A new feature introduced at the ending section of the song.
synth strings
11 of 12
The song ends on a ' ' chord and there is ' ' harmony between the gospel choir.
3 part
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the chord progression of the syncopated rising bass?


E - G# - A - B

Card 3


Which 2 of the chords are altered and how?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What signifies the main 'body' of the song starting?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The contrasting section starting on the subdominant (A)


Preview of the front of card 5
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