Core Biology Chapter 5 AQA

Define the term biomass
Mass of living material in plants and animals
1 of 16
What is a pyramid of biomass
Represents the mass of living organisms at each stage in a food chain
2 of 16
Why are plants always at the base of the pyramid
Plants start the process of energy transfer in living organisms
3 of 16
What do green plants transfer
Solar (light) energy to chemical energy which is then passed through the food chain
4 of 16
Does the biomass increase or decrease compared to the previous stage
5 of 16
What does energy wastage between the stages mean
Not all the energy taken in by organism results in growth
6 of 16
How do animals keep a constant body temp in terms of the pyramid
Energy from the previous stage is used
7 of 16
Which process in cells releases energy from food material
Respiration in cells releases energy from food
8 of 16
What is a detritus feeder and give one example
Worms - I Starts the process of decay by eating dead animals/plants
9 of 16
What are decay organisms and what is the correct term
Break down the waste or dead animals/plants
10 of 16
How can you speed up the process of decay
Make the conditions warm and wet
11 of 16
What does recycling do to the environment
It returns nutrients to the soil
12 of 16
What do waste vegetables contain
Organic waste which can be recycled
13 of 16
What is the most effecient way of composting
Allowing waste to be mixed with oxygen and moisture- allows energy to escape by heating the surroundings
14 of 16
Why do gardeners add worms to compost
To speed up process of decay
15 of 16
Suggest why councils shred garden waste before putting it into big bins
Smaller pieces have a larger surface area for microorganisms to attack, increase rate of decomposition
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a pyramid of biomass


Represents the mass of living organisms at each stage in a food chain

Card 3


Why are plants always at the base of the pyramid


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do green plants transfer


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Does the biomass increase or decrease compared to the previous stage


Preview of the front of card 5
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