Consumer Protection Laws

Trade Descriptions Act 1968
States it is illegal for products to be incorrectly described.
1 of 5
Sale of Goods Act, 1979 and Supply of Goods Act 1982
Products, when sold,must be undamaged and in good working order. They must be fit for purpose.
2 of 5
Consumer Protection Act 1987
Protects customers from defective goods and misleading pricing, e.g. saying something is 50% of RRP when it isn't.
3 of 5
Food Safety Act 1990
Ensures food is safe and does not mislead customers in the way it is presented, e.g. being described in a misleading way.
4 of 5
Consumer Safety Act 1978
Prevents sale of goods which might harm customers. It concentrates mainly on safety of electrical goods.
5 of 5

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Card 2


Products, when sold,must be undamaged and in good working order. They must be fit for purpose.


Sale of Goods Act, 1979 and Supply of Goods Act 1982

Card 3


Protects customers from defective goods and misleading pricing, e.g. saying something is 50% of RRP when it isn't.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Ensures food is safe and does not mislead customers in the way it is presented, e.g. being described in a misleading way.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Prevents sale of goods which might harm customers. It concentrates mainly on safety of electrical goods.


Preview of the back of card 5


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