Community cohesion

  • Created by: Rebecca
  • Created on: 20-04-13 12:45
What is the difference between prejudice and descrimination?
Prejudice is where you believe someone is inferior to you and descrimination is when you act upon this belief.
1 of 10
What are key examples of advances in equal rights for women?
The Qualification of Women Act 1918 - gave women over 31 the right to vote in the elections. The Equal Pay Act 1970 - ensures men and women are paid equally for doing the same jobs. The sex descrimination Act 1975 - illegal to discriminate by gender
2 of 10
Why have attitudes change towards women?
1. In WW1 and 2, women had to do the jobs previously done by men. 2. New Zealand gave women equal rights. 3. Successful women and politics. 4. UN Declaration of human rights includes equality for all people no matter of race or gender
3 of 10
What are the views of catholics to women in the church?
No women priests.
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What are the benefits of a multi-ethnic society?
People gain an understanding and acceptance of other cultures. Lessen the change of conflicts and wars. People experience different cultures. Society can make better progress
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How does the government promote Community cohesion?
Education - community cohesion was made part of the national curriculum in 2006. Funding - giving financial support to groups and community projects. Laws - passing laws such as race relations act and crime and disorder Act.
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Who are Exclusive christians?
Evangelical christians - only those who follow Jesus and live by his teachings will go to heaven.
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Who are Inclusive christians?
Catholics - you should only go to heaven by accepting Jesus and his teachings but some members of other religions may also be able to go to heaven.
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Who are Pluralist christians?
Liberal protestants - accepting all religions are equally valid and correct and can all coexist.
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How does the church help asylum seekers and immigrant workers?
They set up legal advice clinics with lawyers and interpreters to help people through the asylum and immigration process. Help provide home starter kits. Set up language classes.
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Card 2


What are key examples of advances in equal rights for women?


The Qualification of Women Act 1918 - gave women over 31 the right to vote in the elections. The Equal Pay Act 1970 - ensures men and women are paid equally for doing the same jobs. The sex descrimination Act 1975 - illegal to discriminate by gender

Card 3


Why have attitudes change towards women?


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Card 4


What are the views of catholics to women in the church?


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Card 5


What are the benefits of a multi-ethnic society?


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