financial revision

Banking industry
Banks, buildings societies and other businesses that offer financial products and services; part of the private sector.
1 of 25
Capacity building
Making local communities self-sustaining.
2 of 25
Charity sector
Charities and other non-government organisations that are run not for profit but for the good of the society.
3 of 25
Communist economy
A type of market economy in which government makes all of the decisions.
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Corporate social responsibility
Business self regulation that drives a company to act in an ethical manner.
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Economic growth
An increase in the output or production of a country, as measured by incomes and sales.
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Free-market economy
A type of market economy in which private individuals and companies make decisions, motivated by profit, without government interference.
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Full employment
when everyone in a country who is willing and able to work in paid employment.
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Gross domestic product
The total value of all goods made and services provided by a country in a year.
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Gross profit
Profit before corporation tax is paid
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Inflation rate
The rate at which prices are increasing.
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Mixed economy
An economy that falls between the extremes of a communist and free market economy.
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Net profit
Profit after corporation tax is paid.
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Non government organisations
a type of organisation that is not run for profit, but also is not part of the government
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Payroll giving
Making donations to a specific charity as deductions from a salary.
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The purchase of price of a good or service.
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Price stability
Keeping inflation low
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Private sector
That part of the economy run by individuals or groups, rather than the government, to make a profit.
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The difference between the price for the which a product sells and the cost of making and selling it.
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Public sector
That part of the economy that comprises national and local government, and the services provided by government, such as education.
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Social enterprise
An enterprise that aims to increase social well-being rather than to make money, but which can be either not for profit or for profit.
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Social responsibility
The idea that individuals and organisations have a duty to act in a way that is best for society as a whole.
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Third sector
That part of the economy that is made up of non-governmental, non-corporate bodies, such as charities, community groups and social enterprises.
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The value of sales that a business makes a year.
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Unemployment rate
The percentage of the work force that is of employment age and actively looking for a paid job.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Making local communities self-sustaining.


Capacity building

Card 3


Charities and other non-government organisations that are run not for profit but for the good of the society.


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Card 4


A type of market economy in which government makes all of the decisions.


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Card 5


Business self regulation that drives a company to act in an ethical manner.


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