Classics: Year 10 Term 2: Athens - Navy & Warfare

How many ships did the Athenian navy have? (1)
1 of 14
Describe a trireme. (3)
Long/thin, Bronze-plated ram at front, Rowed by 3 banks of men
2 of 14
Which class did rowers come from and why was this an advantage? (2)
Lower class, Had reason to fight due to democracy
3 of 14
What was a liturgy? (2)
The requirement that rich citizens pay for something of public importance each year, such as the upkeep of a trireme
4 of 14
What was a trierach? (1)
Someone who paid for the upkeep of a trireme
5 of 14
What were the 2 traditional Athenian trireme tactics in battle? (4)
Ships beside each other would ram and attempt to take control of other ship; Diekplous - Sailing through enemy line and attacking from behind
6 of 14
How many men rowed a trireme and what were the groups they were split into? (4)
170 - 62 on top, 54 in middle, 54 on bottom
7 of 14
What were the other 20 men onboard for? (1)
Marines to board other ships
8 of 14
How were the rowers kept in time? (2)
Rhythmic charts, Gestures
9 of 14
What position was adopted for the ships when on defence? (1)
10 of 14
What position was adopted for the ships on offence? (1)
11 of 14
What toss-up is there regarding reinforcing rams? (2)
Removes need for intricate manoeuvres, Require more brute strength as they are heavier
12 of 14
Who was the commander of the Athenian navy at the battle of Salamis? (1)
13 of 14
What factors made the Athenian navy successful? (4)
Generals elected so morale was high, Poorest could contribute to state, Casualties held in high esteem, Largest naval power in Greek world
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe a trireme. (3)


Long/thin, Bronze-plated ram at front, Rowed by 3 banks of men

Card 3


Which class did rowers come from and why was this an advantage? (2)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was a liturgy? (2)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was a trierach? (1)


Preview of the front of card 5
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