Churchill's fear of Communism and Social Unrest

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 20-09-14 16:18
What position was Churchill in 1919 to 1921?
Secretary of State for War and Air
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What party was he in when we was Secretary of State for War and Air?
As a Liberal
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When did he join the Liberal Party and from which party and when did he leave the Liberals and to what party?
He joined the Liberals in 1904 from the Conservatives and left the Liberals in 1924 to the Conservatives,
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WHat position was he between 1921 to 1922?
Liberal Colonial Secretary
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Who created the theory of communism?
Karl Marx
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What would Communism result in for society?
A stateless society of equality for all after a period of dictatorship of the Proletariat-THe Workers
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Where had Communism taken power and when and what did they do in this country?
THey took power in Russia, or the USSR, in 1917-They negotiated a peace treaty with Germany before the end of WW1, nationalised all industry, and murdered the Royal Family,
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In Britain what did Trade Union Membership in Britain increase from and to in WW1?
From 4-8 million,
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WHat did unions demand for workers?
Better pay and conditions
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Who linked to Unions and who else?
Labour linked to Unions and other extreme left wing parties,
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When did Labour join the war time coalition Government?
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What kind of upbringing did Churchill have and what does this mean?
A Victorian upbringing, meaning he has been bought up with traditional values-doesnt want his power and wealth taken by Communists,
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What did Churchill see Communism as and what did he believe it would do?
A 'cancer' or a 'foul baboonery' that would spread across Europe despite Russia being a British ally
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What did Churchill believe Communists were funding?
THe British Daily Herald and the British Communist Party
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What is another term for Communism?
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When was the Russian Civil War?
1918 to 1921
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What three options did Britain have concerning the civil war in Russia?
-Send troops to safeguard supplies they sent to Russia to stop Communists using them, -Launch a full scale attack to overthrow the revolution, -Do nothing and regard the civil war as a matter they have no influence in,
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What did Churchill want Britain to do for the Communist revolution?
He wanted to send aid and troops to support Whites (non-Communists) in the Russian Civil War against the Reds?
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What arguments did Churchill have to support intervention?
He was convinced they had a moral obligation to the Tsarist Officers who supported the war efforts and Commuism would invade Siberia and spread to Japan and then India and to Western Powers. ALso Commuism was brutal,
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How was Churchill criticised for his views?
Lloyd George criticised him for his lack of realism and criticised him for his lack of a team player and accepting cabinet responsibilty
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What did Britian actually send to the Civil War efforts?
THey sent financial and military support but intervention was not popular after 4 years in WW1 so refused to send troops,
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What did Churchill CONSIDER resigning under?
THe Anglo-Soviet Trade Treaty in 1920
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What did Churchill THREATEN to resign under intil Lloyd George backed down?
The European recognition of the Soviets in 1922
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What letter was sent in 1924 and what did it suggest?
The Zinoviev letter of 1924 suggested Communism inciting revolution in Russia but was probably fake,
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In 1919 when Churchill was Secretary for war and air, what did he send to Glasgow during the strikes and when?
Troops and tanks and supported the use of gas in the 1919 Galsgow strike
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WHen were there major coal strikes and what did Churchill suggest they should do?
In July 1919- Churchill urged colleagues to use force- tanks, gas and troops but his advice wasnt taken,
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Where was there a police strike in 1919 and what did Churchill do?
In Liverpool and troops were deployed,
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In a rail strioke in September 1919, how many troops were depolyed and what was Churchill eager to recruit?
Over 50,000 troops were depolyed and Churchill was eager to recruit a citizen guard of Opponents of Socialism and Trade unions,
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WHo did he believe were encouraging these strikes?
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What two countries were there growing unrest?
Ireland and India
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How did he negotatiate in Ireland?
He helped negotiate that Southern Ireland becomes a free state in 1922 whcih helped end the war of independence,
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Where else did he use his negotiating powers?
In Palestine
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In 1922, who led a small majority government of which power?
Andrew Bonar Law led a small conservative party,
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In 1923, who led a minority Government of which party and who supported them?
Ramsay MacDonald led a Labour minority Government with Liberal support,
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In 1924, who led a strong Governmetn of which party and what did he invite Churchill to become?
Baldwin led a strong Conservative government and invited Churchill to become 'Chancellor or Exchequer.'
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What party was he in when we was Secretary of State for War and Air?


As a Liberal

Card 3


When did he join the Liberal Party and from which party and when did he leave the Liberals and to what party?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


WHat position was he between 1921 to 1922?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who created the theory of communism?


Preview of the front of card 5
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