China- Bullet point 1

When was the Civil War?
1 of 57
Who was it between? What is the name of the leader?
Nationalists (Chiang Kai-Shek) and Communist
2 of 57
How many people had died after WW2 and civil war?
20 million
3 of 57
What was the percentage of hyperinflation?
4 of 57
Which area was the most advance in terms of industry?
5 of 57
What percentage was industrial output?
25% pre- war level
6 of 57
What percentage lower was food production than pre-war?
30% lower
7 of 57
In 1949, what percentage was factory output compared to 1937?
8 of 57
What percentage of the population are peasants?
9 of 57
How many lives had peasants claimed?
2- 3 million lives
10 of 57
What percentage of railway network had been destroyed?
11 of 57
What had been a tactic of the Communists during the civil war?
To blow up railway tracks and bridges
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What was Peng in charge of?
The PLA, party grew to 5.8 million by the end of 1950
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What is the 'Danwei'?
Work units
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What are the three parallel strands of the communist party?
PLA, bureaucracy and CP
15 of 57
What happened in the 1949 Chinese People's political constitute conference?
They created and formed the new government but also created the 'common programme' which set out a range of rights
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How many members did the CPPCC have?
14 members but within that there was the 'Standing Committee' made up of 5
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What did the number of state official increase from in 1949 to 1959?
720,000 to 7.9 million
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Who was state bureaucracy headed by?
Zhou as he held the post of prime minister and foreign minister
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When was the conscription law for the PLA introduced? How man new recruits were introduced?
1955 and 800,000 new recruits
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What is a famous quotation from Mao?
'All political power lies in the barallel of a gun'
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How many different sections was the PRC divided into?
22 of 57
What are the six aspects of Mao Zedong thought?
Self-reliance, learning from people, mass mobilisation, contributing revolution, primacy of peasants and struggle meetings
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What is a term used to describe what the party was meant to be like?
Democratic centralisation
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What year was Tibet an independent country? Why did Mao want Tibet?
1913 as it was a 'corridor' to the Western world
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What year were the PLA sent into TIbet? What year did the Dalai Lama flee Tibet?
1950 and 1959.
26 of 57
What were the three areas for the re-unification campaign?
Tibet, Guangdong and Xinjiang
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How many people were executed in Guangdong?
Estimated 28,000 people died
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What was the ethnic group in Xinjiang? What percentage of the population were this?
Uighurs and 80%
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How many PLA troops were sent in to face how many Muslim cavalry?
150,000 troops and 40,000 Muslim cavalry
30 of 57
What was the subtitle of the Laogai? What percentage of prisoners were political?
'Reform through labour' and 90%
31 of 57
By the start of 1953, how many prisoners were there there?
More than 1.3 million
32 of 57
How is it described as? What was it inspired by?
A carefully orchestrated Auschwitz of the mind and Stalin's gulags
33 of 57
In Mao's reign, what is the estimated number of people that were sent there?
25 million
34 of 57
What did the Head of Public Secretary Bureau say about it?
That 'it is better for inmates to die than to flee'
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What were some of the jobs that they were expected to do?
Clear malaria swamps, uranium mines and brick factories
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When was the 3 antis campaign? What did Mao call it?
Between 51-52, 'big clean up throughout the party'
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What were the three antis? Who was it led by? What did he boast about?
Corruption, waste and delay. Bo Yobo, and that he had found 100,000 flies/ tigers
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What was the public's reaction?
Quickly became clear that it was supported by the public
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When was the 5 antis campaign? Who are the targets?
Between Feb and May 1952. Bourgeoisie managers/ business people
40 of 57
How many people were shot, put in a labour camp or fired?
1% shot, 1% went to labour camps and 3% were fired
41 of 57
Which area bore the brunt of it?
42 of 57
When was the 100 flowers campaign?
Launched 2nd May 1956 and ended June 1957, 'let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend'
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Who was the campaign prompted by? What did Mao say about it?
Zhou Enlai, 'if they have something to fart about let them fart'
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When was the Anti-rightist campaign? What did it do?
Released the same year and rounded up all those who took part in the 100 flowers campaign
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What are 'poisonous weeds'? What quotas were cadres given?
Those who needed to be rooted out of society. Quota of 5% of people in the Danwei
46 of 57
What did a famous Chinese novelist say?
'Gradually only two things became important in my life, eating grass soup and breathing'
47 of 57
How many intellectuals are it estimated that were purged?
Between 400,000- 700,000 intellectuals
48 of 57
When was the Korean War?
June 1950, North Korean leader Kim 2 Jung launched an attack
49 of 57
What was the campaign that was released?
'Resist America Aid Korea campaign'
50 of 57
What were American's described as?
Bandits, savages and murderers
51 of 57
How many people died in the Korean War?
52 of 57
What percentage of government spending could Mao pass?
53 of 57
What percentage of Government spending went on the Korean War?
54 of 57
What tactic was used? What percentage of people were in poverty in Manchuria?
The Human wave tactic and a 1/3
55 of 57
What is 'limonski'?
A Russian word used for yellow skinned people
56 of 57
What is the fraction of salary that went to the war? What is the word for this?
Coercion and a 1/3
57 of 57

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who was it between? What is the name of the leader?


Nationalists (Chiang Kai-Shek) and Communist

Card 3


How many people had died after WW2 and civil war?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the percentage of hyperinflation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which area was the most advance in terms of industry?


Preview of the front of card 5
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