child development- cognitive development

Using our heads to visualise thoughts and to plan ideas/thoughts e.g. painting pictures, pretending to be someone else.
1 of 10
Retrieving information your brain has already stored e.g. playing matching games such as ‘pairs’, seeing something and relating it to past experiences
2 of 10
Understanding the causes and effects of an action e.g. pulling a lever to open the garage door (knowing what actions to take to make something happen).
3 of 10
The organisation of thinking and understanding. The ways in which we sort out and use information to help us understand it and make sense of what is going on around us e.g. developing an understanding of ideas and being able to use them to find out m
4 of 10
Being able to express yourself e.g. dancing, painting, playing musical instruments.
5 of 10
Problem solving
Being able to think of something that can sort out a problem, puzzle or a difficult situation
6 of 10
Focusing on a certain activity or task e.g. spending more time on activities that interest you.
7 of 10
Object permanence
Understanding that something exists even when it can no longer be seen e.g. hide and seek.
8 of 10
Not taking anyone’s view or needs into account. Until age three children only look at things from there point of view and don’t understand that there could be another perspective e.g. taking turns and sharing
9 of 10
Understanding that things can be the same or equal even if they look slightly different e.g. accepting a small dump beaker holds the same as a tall slim beaker.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Retrieving information your brain has already stored e.g. playing matching games such as ‘pairs’, seeing something and relating it to past experiences



Card 3


Understanding the causes and effects of an action e.g. pulling a lever to open the garage door (knowing what actions to take to make something happen).


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Card 4


The organisation of thinking and understanding. The ways in which we sort out and use information to help us understand it and make sense of what is going on around us e.g. developing an understanding of ideas and being able to use them to find out m


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Card 5


Being able to express yourself e.g. dancing, painting, playing musical instruments.


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