chemistry starting at the start

what are the different conversions of states
solid to liquid MELTING liquid to gas BOILING gas to liquid CONDENSATION liquid to solid FREEZING
1 of 154
what is a compound
different elements join together they make a compound and it is represented by formulae that show how many atoms of each element's are in the compound
2 of 154
what is a mixture
a mixture is made from molecules of elements and compounds that are simply mixed together, WITHOUT chemical bonds
3 of 154
describe an experiment to show simple distillation
pic of heating water and ethanol solution
4 of 154
what is the sequence of events for simple distillation
heating to evaporating to cooling to condensing
5 of 154
describe an experiment to show fractional distillation
pic of crude oil
6 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate filtration
pic of filtration
7 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate crystalisation
pic of crystalisation
8 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate paper chromatography
pic of paper chromatography
9 of 154
what is RF
RF=distance moved by the compound divided by distance moved by the solvent
10 of 154
how can data from chromatograms be used to identify the composition of a mixture
different components will move at different rates
11 of 154
what is an isotope
two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei and differ in relative atomic mass
12 of 154
how do you calculate the relative atomic mass
1write the formula of the compound2write the numbers of each atom in the formula3insert the relative atomic mass for each type of atom4calculate the total mass for each element5 add up the total mass for the compound
13 of 154
what is the equation regarding moles, mass, rfm
moles=mass/relative formula mass
14 of 154
how would you calculate relative formula masses from relative atomic masses
1write the formula of the compound2 write the numbers of each atom in the formula3insert the relative atomic mass for each element4calculate the total mass for each element5add up the total mass for the compound
15 of 154
how do you deduce the number of outer electrons in a main group element from its position in the periodic table
the number of occupied shells(row in the table) and the number of electrons in the outer shell is the same as the group number(column in the table
16 of 154
how do you find the protons, electrons, neutrons of an atom by looking at the periodic table
pic of Cl atom
17 of 154
what is the electron configuration of an atom
18 of 154
never forget to put state symbols behind
S=solid L=liquid G=gas aq=aqueous solution
19 of 154
how would you find the empirical formula of a metal oxide
the empirical formula of magnesium oxide can be calculated using the following experiment, which finds the mass of the magnesium and oxygen atoms in a sample of the compound
20 of 154
how do you make a salt
21 of 154
how does litmus paper react with acid and alkali
acid=red alkali=blue
22 of 154
how does phenolphthalein react with acid and alkali
acid=colourless alkali=pink
23 of 154
how does methyl orange react with acid and alkali
acid=pink alkali=yellow
24 of 154
how would you work out the empirical formulae from experimental data
table of bitesize
25 of 154
how would you calculate reacting masses using experimental data and chemical equations
1-6 on pages
26 of 154
describe the formation of ions by the gain or loss of electrons
ions are electrically charged particles formed when atoms lose or gain electrons. METALS form POSITIVE ions and NON-METALS form NEGATIVE IONS
27 of 154
what is OILRIG
oxidations is loss and reduction is gain (of electrons)
28 of 154
what are the charges of these common ions sodium, chloride, oxide and aluminium ions
sodiums=Na+ ALUMINIUM=Al3+ and oxide=O2- and chloride=Cl-
29 of 154
how do you deduce the charge of an ion by looking at it's electronic configuration
group 1=+ group 2=2+group3=+3 group5-3 group6=-2 group7=0
30 of 154
practice dot and cross diagrams do not forget
do not forget
31 of 154
what is ionic bonding
ionic bonding is a strong electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
32 of 154
describe ionic compounds
ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points because of strong electrostatic forces between oppositely charged ions
33 of 154
describe a covalent
pic of covalent bond
34 of 154
what is a covalent bond
the bond is created by two atoms sharing a pair of electrons
35 of 154
is there a strong attraction between a covalent bond
there is a strong attraction between the bonding pair of electrons and the nuclei of the atoms involved in the blood
36 of 154
draw dot and cross diagrams for the following
hydrogen, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, water, methane, ammonia, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ethane, ethene
37 of 154
what properties does simple molecular structures
solids, liquids and gases all have low melting points as long as they have simple molecular structures
38 of 154
why do substances with simple molecular structures have low melting and boiling points
they have relatively weak forces between the molecules
39 of 154
why is there high melting and boiling points of substances with giant covalent structures
there is the breaking of many strong covalent bonds
40 of 154
how is a metal described
a metal can be described as a giant structure of positive ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electrons
41 of 154
explain the malleability of a metal
the free electrons allow metal atoms to slide over each other, so therefore metals are malleable and ductile
42 of 154
what is an electric current
the flow of electrons or ions
43 of 154
why do covalent compounds not conduct electricity
they have no free electrons an no ions so they don't conduct electricity
44 of 154
why do ionic compounds conduct electricity when in solution or molten
ionic compounds can only conduct electricity if their ions are free to move
45 of 154
describe an experiment to distinguish between electrolytes and non-electrolytes
by carrying out electrolysis +pic of electrolysis
46 of 154
what is electrolysis
electrolysis is the decomposition of a liquid using electricity. when ionic compounds are molten or dissolved in water the ions are free to move
47 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate electrolysis
lead|| bromide
48 of 154
how do you write ionic half equations representing the reactions at the electrodes during electrolysis
1write the formulae of the reactant and product2adjust the number of ions if needed3count the number of charges. add enough electrons so that both sides have the same total number of charges
49 of 154
what is meant by the term homologous series
A homologous series is series of compounds that have similar properties and the same general formula
50 of 154
what is a hydrocarbon
a hydrocarbon is a compound consisting of only hydrogen and carbon
51 of 154
what is meant by the term saturated
a single bond like a alkane
52 of 154
what is meant by the term unsaturated
a double bond like an alkene
53 of 154
what is the general formula for alakanes
54 of 154
what are groups 1,7,0
1=alkali metals7=halogens0=noble gases
55 of 154
what is a period
horizontal rows on the periodic table
56 of 154
where are metals positioned on the periodic table
elements to the left of the metaloid line are metals and a thin line are metalloid next to the line
57 of 154
where are non metals positioned on the periodic table
to the right of the metaloid line
58 of 154
why do elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar chemical properties
they have their atoms have the same number of electrons
59 of 154
why are noble gases are a family of inert gases and explain their lack of reactivity in terms of their electronic configurations
noble gases are He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn and noble gases have outermost of their atoms are full
60 of 154
describe the reactions of these elements(lithium sodium and potassium)with water
they will react vigorously metal+water=sodium hydroxide+hydrogen
61 of 154
describe the relative reactivites of the elements in group 1
they react vigorously with cold water and metal hydroxide is produced
62 of 154
what is the colours and physical states of the elements at room temperature
astatine is a solid IODINE is a solid BROMINE is a liquid CHLORINE is a gas and FLUORINE is a gas
63 of 154
make predictions about the properties of halogens in group 7
at the top of group 7 fluorine is the most reactive and astatine is the least
64 of 154
what is the difference between hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid
hydrogen chloride is a gas and hydrochloric acid is formed with water
65 of 154
explain why hyrdogen chloride is acidic in water
when hydrogen chloride gas dissolves in a solvent called methylbenzene, the molecules do not split up
66 of 154
describe the relative reactivities of the elements in group 7
they have 7 electrons in the outer shell
67 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate that a more reactive halogen will displace a less reactive halogen from a solution of one of its salts
sodium bromide is a salt of bromine that will dissolve water chlorine will displace bromine from sodium bromide solution. The most reactive halogen displaces all the other halogen from solution of their salts while theleast reactivehalogenisdisplaced
68 of 154
what are these reactions
redox reactions
69 of 154
what are the gases present in air and what is their percentages
78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 1% argon 0.04 carbon dioxide
70 of 154
describe the laboratory preparation of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide using manganese(IV) oxide as a catalyst
pic of
71 of 154
describe the laboratory preparation of carbon dioxide from calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid
72 of 154
describe the formation of carbon dioxide from the thermal decomposition of metal carbonates such as copper 11 carbonate
metal carbonates such as calcium carbonate break down when heated strongly.
73 of 154
what are the equations for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate
calcium carbonate→with heat to calcium oxide+carbon dioxide CaCO3 →with heat to CaO+CO2
74 of 154
what are the equations for the thermal decomposition of copper carbonate
copper carbonate→with heat to copper oxide+carbon dioxide CuCO3→with heat goes to CuO+CO2
75 of 154
what are the properties of carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide is soluble in water and is used to give fizzy drinks bubbles. carbon dioxide is also denser than air so it sinks
76 of 154
explain the use of carbon dioxide in carbonating drinks and in fire extinguishers, in term of its solubility and density
carbon dioxide gives the drinks fizz and in a fire extinguisher it will smother the fire to starve it from oxygen
77 of 154
describe the reactions of dilute hydrochloric and dilute sulfuric acids with magnesium, aluminium, zinc and iron
dilute acids react with relatively reactive metals such as magnesium, aluminium, zinc and iron. The products of the reaction are a salt plus hydrogen gas
78 of 154
what is a good way to remember this
M+A→S+H metal+acid → salt +hydrogen gas
79 of 154
describe the combustion of hydrogen
the flame is almost colourless.Mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen can be explosive so it must be handled with caution
80 of 154
describe the use of anhydrous copper(ii) sulfate in the chemical test for water
this is a test for water and the WHITE solid turns BLUE in the presence of water
81 of 154
describe a physical test to show wether water is pure
boil the liquid and measure its boiling point and if it is boiling point will be 100'C
82 of 154
how are metals arranged
83 of 154
what does oxidation do and what does reduction do
OIL RIG Oxidation Is Loss and Reduction Is GAIN
84 of 154
what is meant by the term redox
redox involves both reduction and oxidation examples include rusting
85 of 154
what is meant by the term oxidising agent
a substance that tends to bring about oxidation by being reduced and gaining electrons
86 of 154
what is meant by the term reducing agent
a substance that tends to bring about reduction by being oxidized and losing electrons
87 of 154
how can rusting be prevented
galvanising which iron and steel is coated in a layer of zinc which stops oxygen and water reaching the metal underneath and this is sacrificial protection
88 of 154
what are the conditions in which iron rusts
it rusts with the presence of oxygen and water
89 of 154
what are the flame test colour for LI+ Na+ K+ Ca2+
Li =red Na=orange K=lilac Ca=yellow-red
90 of 154
how would you test for NH4+
use sodium hydroxide and identifying the ammonia
91 of 154
describe tests for Cu2+,Fe2+,Fe3+
using sodium hydroxide(NaOH) Cu+NaOH=BLUE precipitate Fe2+NaOH=GREEN precipitate Fe3+NaOH=BROWN precipitate
92 of 154
describe how you can identify sodium salts with a flame test
clean flame test stick with HCL and heat to burn off residue/flame test stick dipped sodium carbonate and heated/orange flame indicates it is sodium
93 of 154
what are cations
94 of 154
what are anions
95 of 154
describe a test for Cl-, Br-,I-
use dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate solution
96 of 154
what is the test for SO4/2-
use dilute hydrochloric acid and barium chloride solution
97 of 154
what is the test for CO3/2-
use dilute hydrochloric acid and identify the carbon dioxide is evolved
98 of 154
what is the test for hydrogen gas
squeky pop test
99 of 154
what is the test for oxygen gas
relighting a glowing splint
100 of 154
what is the test for carbon dioxide
bubble through limewater until it goes cloudy
101 of 154
what is the test for ammonia gas
Ammonia forms a white smoke of ammonium chloride when hydrogen chloride gas, from concentrated hydrochloric acid. it creates a pungent choking smell
102 of 154
what is the test for chlorine gas
chlorine makes damp starch iodide paper turn blue-black
103 of 154
name 5 straight chain isomers (alkanes)from smallest to highest
CH4 methane C2H6 ethane C3H8 propane C4H10 Butane C5H12 pentane
104 of 154
how do you test for alkenes
bromine water is an orange solution of bromine. it becomes colourless when shaken with an alkene. Alkenes can decolourise bromine water
105 of 154
describe litmus paper
turns alkali blue and acidic red
106 of 154
describe phenolphthalein indicator
turns colourless in acid and pink in alkaline
107 of 154
describe methyl orange indicator
turns red in acid and yellow in alkaline
108 of 154
describe acids and alkalis
sources of hydrogen ions(H+) and alkalis are sources of hydroxide ions (OH-)
109 of 154
predict the products of reactions between dilute hydrochloric acid
hydrogen causes bubbling during the reaction. it can be detected using a lighted spline which causes the gas to burn with a squeaky pop test
110 of 154
what are the general rules for predicting the solubility of salts in water
1all common sodium,potassium and ammonium salts are soluble2all nitrates are soluble3common chloridses are soluble except barium and calcium5common carbonates are insoluble, except those of sodium,potassium and ammonium
111 of 154
describe an experiment to prepare soluble salts from acids
112 of 154
describe experiments to prepare insoluble salts using precipitation reactions
silver nitrate and sodium chloride are added together, the product, silver chloride is made, this salt is insoluable and so will form a white precipitate in the solution
113 of 154
describe experiments to carry out acid-alkali titrations
titrations are used to find out the volume of acid required to react exactly with a given volume of an alkali using a pipette 25cm3 of an alkali solution into a conical flaskand methyl orange is used and when it goes colourless it is neutral
114 of 154
describe an exothermic energy
exothermic is where heat energy is given out
115 of 154
describe endothermic energy
endothermic is energy taken in
116 of 154
describe an experiment to work out combustion
a spirit burner with a fuel below a beaker half full of water with a thermometer in it
117 of 154
describe an experiment to work out displacement dissolving and neutralisation reactions
in a polystyrene cup put copper 2 sulfate +magnesium for example and you will get magnesium sulfate +copper
118 of 154
describe an exothermic reaction graph
119 of 154
describe an endothermic reaction graph
120 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate the effects of changes in surface are of a solid
1put a set mass of magnesium in hydrochloric acid 2 time the reaction 3 change the from of magnesium keeping the mass the same(powder,wire,strips) 4 the more surface area(smaller the pieces) the faster the reaction
121 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate the effects of changes in concentration of solutions
1put a set mass of marble chips into dilute HCL 2 time the reaction 3 change the ratio of water to hydrochloric acid 4 the more concentrated the HCL(the lower the ratio of water) the faster the reaction
122 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate the effects of changes in temperature
1put a set mass of magnesium powder into a set mass of HCL 2 time the reaction 3 carry out this reaction at different temperatures 4 the higher the temperature the faster the rate of reaction
123 of 154
describe an experiment to investigate the effects of changes in the use of a catalyst
hydrogen peroxide will not decompose 1 put manganese dioxide it will decompose into water and oxygen 2 the manganese dioxide will be unaltered by the reaction 3 the more of the catalyst the faster the reaction(lowers the activation energy)
124 of 154
describe the effects of changes in surface area of a solid on the rate of reaction
it means that more particles are able to succesfully collide per second
125 of 154
describe the effects of changes of concentration of solutions on the rate of reaction
increases the number of particles of reactant in a volume and the reacting particles will collide more often and therefore there will be more successful collisions per second
126 of 154
describe the effects of changes in temperature on the rate of reaction
the particles will have more kinetic energy so more successful collisions take place
127 of 154
describe the effects of changes on the rate of reaction by using a catalyst
it will increase the rate of reaction because it slows down the reaction giving a lower activation energy so more collisions will take place and therefore more successful collisions per second
128 of 154
what is activation energy
the minimum quantity of energy required for a reaction to take place
129 of 154
what happens in terms of particle collision theory when the rate of reaction is increased
there are more successful collisions
130 of 154
what is a reversible equation sign
131 of 154
describe a reversible reaction such as the dehydration of hydrated copper sulfate
if you add water to copper sulphate you can make hydrated copper sulphate and it is reversed if the water is removed from hydrated copper sulphate you can make copper sulphate
132 of 154
describe the concept of dynamic equilibrium
the reactants and products are constantly moving between each other
133 of 154
explain how the methods of extraction of the metals in this section are related to their positions in the reactivity series
the oxides of very reactive metals, such as aluminium form stable oxides and other compounds, alot of energy is required to extract the metal. Oxides of lesser reactive metals e.g. iron form less stable oxides. little energy isneeded to extract metal
134 of 154
describe and explain the extraction of aluminium from purified aluminum by electrolysis
1 the use of molten cryolite as a solvent and to decrease the required operating temperature 2 the need to replace the positive electrodes 3 the cost of the electricity as a major factor
135 of 154
what are the half equations for the reactions at the electrodes in aluminium extraction
this is for the reaction at the negative electrode Al3+ + 3e− → Al the reaction at the positive electrode 2O2− → O2 + 4e−
136 of 154
describe and explain the main reactions involved in the extraction of iron from iron ore(haematite), using coke, limestone, and air in a blast furnace
Iron is displace from its by carbon(COKE) 2Fe2O3+3c>4Fe+3CO2 also displaced by Carbon monoxide Fe2O3+3CO>2Fe+3CO2
137 of 154
explain the uses of aluminium and iron and also explain their properties
aluminium is used for cars shells as it is light and iron is can become an alloy which is steel and and is harder stronger and less likely to rust
138 of 154
what is crude oil made of
a mixture of hydrocarbons
139 of 154
describe the industrial distillation
pic of crude oil
140 of 154
how is carbon monoxide created from combustion of fuels and how is it poisonous
carbon monoxide is created from incomplete combustion and is poisonous as it reduces the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen
141 of 154
what do car engines do(with air)
when the temperature is high enough nitrogen and oxygen from air react forming nitrogen oxides
142 of 154
what does fractional distillation of crude oil produce and which
fractional distillation of crude oil produces more long chain hydrocarbons that are used and fewer shorter hydrocarbons that have to be cracked
143 of 154
how are long chain alkanes converted to alkenes and shorter chain alkanes
catalytic cracking using silica or alumina as the catalyst and a temperature in the range of 600-700C
144 of 154
how do you create a polymer
you join small molecules together into a polymer called molymers
145 of 154
what is a repeat unit of addition polymers
146 of 154
how do you find the structure of a monomer from the repeat unit of an addition polymer
147 of 154
describe some uses for for polymers
polyethene=plastic carrier bags polypropene=crates, ropes polychlroethene=piping
148 of 154
what is an attribute of addition polymers
hard to dispose of as their inetness means that they do not easily biodegrade
149 of 154
what is used in the manufacture of ammonia
nitrogen from air, hydrogen from natural gas or the cracking of hydrocarbons
150 of 154
describe the haber process
temperature 450C pressure of 200 atmoshpheres and an iron catalyst
151 of 154
why is the environment used for the haber process
it is cheap in comparison to others
152 of 154
what does cooling the mixture do
it liquefies the ammonia produced and allows unused hydrogen and nitrogen to be recirculated then is pumped off as a liquid
153 of 154
what are uses for ammonia
nitric acid and fertilisers
154 of 154

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is a compound


different elements join together they make a compound and it is represented by formulae that show how many atoms of each element's are in the compound

Card 3


what is a mixture


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


describe an experiment to show simple distillation


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the sequence of events for simple distillation


Preview of the front of card 5
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