changing space, making place objective a

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 22-04-21 10:41
How can we measure social inequality using housing?
Type of housing (Holland Park more semi detached, Grenfell more flats),
Housing tenure (HP more owned outright, Grenfell rented from council).
1 of 11
How can we measure social inequality using income?
Look at income (amount of ppl in relative poverty)
Gini Coefficient to see how close income is to 1 (Uk is 0.35).
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How can we measure social inequality using education?
Difference in literacy rates (Niger only has 19%),
Qualification level (Grenfell has majority of ppl with A levels, Holland Park has degrees).
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How can we measure social inequality using healthcare?
Number of doctors per 1000 people (UK has 2.8, 3rd lowest in Europe),
Current healthiness (Grenfell has 7% of its population as "bad" health while Holland Park has just 1%).
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How can we measure social inequality using employment?
The sector they work in as the informal sector can be easy to get into but bad conditions,
Industry they work in (Grenfell majority accommodation/ food, HP mostly professional/ scientific).
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How can we measure social inequality using access to services?
Access to healthcare,
Access to education.
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Why do economic differences exist?
Certain industries shutting down (the north losing its manufacturing industries loses jobs and money)
The investment into the "new" economy (London is a quaternary hub so they pay better).
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Why do housing inequalities exist?
People live in slums due to the overwhelming demand that governments just cant meet in EDCs.
in ACs, the rise in people owning holiday homes in villages means there is less houses available for other people.
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Why do educational inequalities exist?
Schools get less funding when in more deprived areas £900 less for every northern student. Worse facilities, less likely to get good grades.
Private schools mean some people get better education than others.
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Why do healthcare inequalities exist?
If people live in rural areas then there may be less facilities near them meaning they have less access.
Healthy food costs almost three times as much on average as unhealthy foods, leads to wc ppl having more obesity.
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Why do access to services inequalities exist?
People in core regions where investment is high can have more access to services than peripheral areas.
Less able to get public transport (1/4 of England's bus journeys are done in London) making it more difficult to go elsewhere.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How can we measure social inequality using income?


Look at income (amount of ppl in relative poverty)
Gini Coefficient to see how close income is to 1 (Uk is 0.35).

Card 3


How can we measure social inequality using education?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can we measure social inequality using healthcare?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How can we measure social inequality using employment?


Preview of the front of card 5
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