cardiac responses to single exercise

  • Created by: ellamwood
  • Created on: 23-02-23 10:37

1. increased blood pressure is...

  • systolic increase due to the heart working harder, and diastolic which stays the same to meet exercise demands
  • the nerve system signalling for adjusted heart rate to give the muscles more oxygenated blood quicker and remove lactate efficiently
  • an increased amount of blood pumped from the heart per minute: a combination of stroke volume and heart rate
  • when the heart beats faster before exercise to prepare for the increased demands of exercise
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2. anticipatory rise in heart rate before exercise is...

  • the nerve system signalling for adjusted heart rate to give the muscles more oxygenated blood quicker and remove lactate efficiently
  • when the heart beats faster before exercise to prepare for the increased demands of exercise
  • vasodilation and vasoconstriction to ensure blood reaches the areas of need
  • systolic increase due to the heart working harder, and diastolic which stays the same to meet exercise demands

3. increased heart rate is...

  • systolic increase due to the heart working harder, and diastolic which stays the same to meet exercise demands
  • the nerve system signalling for adjusted heart rate to give the muscles more oxygenated blood quicker and remove lactate efficiently
  • vasodilation and vasoconstriction to ensure blood reaches the areas of need
  • when the heart beats faster before exercise to prepare for the increased demands of exercise

4. redirection of blood flow is...

  • systolic increase due to the heart working harder, and diastolic which stays the same to meet exercise demands
  • vasodilation and vasoconstriction to ensure blood reaches the areas of need
  • an increased amount of blood pumped from the heart per minute: a combination of stroke volume and heart rate
  • when the heart beats faster before exercise to prepare for the increased demands of exercise

5. increased cardiac output is...

  • an increased amount of blood pumped from the heart per minute: a combination of stroke volume and heart rate
  • vasodilation and vasoconstriction to ensure blood reaches the areas of need
  • when the heart beats faster before exercise to prepare for the increased demands of exercise
  • the nerve system signalling for adjusted heart rate to give the muscles more oxygenated blood quicker and remove lactate efficiently


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