unit 1 d

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 08-01-23 09:38
what is the function of the arteries
carries blood away from the heart- high blood pressure- can expand- a small lumen
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what is the function of the veins
- carry blood to the heart- low blood pressure-can expands- large lumen
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what is the function of the capillary
site if gas exchange- semi-permeable membrane(allows some things in and out)
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what are functions of the cardiovascular system
Delivering oxygen + nutrients -more delivery produces more energy, Removal of waste, Fighting infection-white blood cells and clotting platelets and fibren
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What is the function of the cornary arteries
supplies oxygenated blood to the muscle
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what is the function of white blood cells
fight against infection
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what is the function of the red blood cells
carries oxygen, carbon dioxide and other nutrients in the blood
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the oder of the contration of the heart
SAN-> atria contracts->AVN->bundle of his>Purkinje fibres-> ventricles contract
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what is the syphapetic nervous system
speeds up heart rate
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what is the parasympathetic nervous system
slows the heart rate down (resting heart rate)
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what are the short term cardiovascular responses to exercise
Anticipatory rise- prior to exercise adrenaline causes the heart to beat faster to prepare the body
Heart rate- increase during exercises to increase blood flow (more oxygen)
Cardiac output= heart rate x stroke volume/ the amount of blood pumped out of t
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what are the long term cardiovascular responses to exercise
stroke volume, heart rate, capillarization, blood volume, cardiac hypertrophy, increased heart size, left ventricle muscle increase, pump blood more forcefully, decrease resting heart rate (bradycardia), reduced resting blood pressure, decrease recovery t
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additional factors
SADS=irregular heart beat
High blood pressure=hypertension
Low blood pressure=hypotension
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the function of the veins


- carry blood to the heart- low blood pressure-can expands- large lumen

Card 3


what is the function of the capillary


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are functions of the cardiovascular system


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the function of the cornary arteries


Preview of the front of card 5
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