Blinded by the light - Media

When was blinded by the light released?
9th August 2019
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What is the context behind the film?
Blinded by the light was released in a time of turmoil for ethnic minorities. the films aim was to portray minorities positvely.
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Who created the film?
Gurinder Chada of Bend it Films created BBTL - inspired by Safraz Manzoor 'greetings from bury park'
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What would Hesmondhagh say about BBTL being inspired by a novel?
He would see this as an advantage as the product is already existing which maximises audience and minimizes risk.
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What 2 companies was Bend it films supported by in the process of BBTL?
Ingenious media and Levantine Films
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What does ingenious media do?
Ingenious media helps to gain funding for a film
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Who are levantine films and what was the advantage of having them develop the film?
Levantine films offers funding for films that highlight ethnic minorities and underrepresented groups. They have developed successful films in the past which means a potential higher budget for BBTL
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Who distributed BBTL?
In the US, New Line distributed bbtl
In the UK it was Entertainment One
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Who was New Line a subsidary of?
New Line is a subsidiary of mainstream media conglomerate Warner Brothers.
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BBTL was horizontally integrated (outsourced distribution) what is an advantage of this?
minimised risk
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why did bbtl have a pre-sold audience?
a presold audience from springsteen fans, bend it like beckham fans, safarz manzoor fans - expansion of audience.
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BBTl might appeal to individuals of what political stance?
left wing - ethnic minorities
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springsteens music management company [sony] offered chada his songs at a discounted rate. Why was this a positive?
the discounted rate meant there was more budget for the production of the film.
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Card 2


What is the context behind the film?


Blinded by the light was released in a time of turmoil for ethnic minorities. the films aim was to portray minorities positvely.

Card 3


Who created the film?


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Card 4


What would Hesmondhagh say about BBTL being inspired by a novel?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What 2 companies was Bend it films supported by in the process of BBTL?


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