Biscuits, cakes and sponges

Name 2 types of biscuits
Viennese whirls and macaroons
1 of 13
Name 2 types of cake
Cupcakes and madeira
2 of 13
Name 2 types of sponge
Genoese and chocolate
3 of 13
Name 4 preparation method you would use
Weighing, sifting, rubbing in, creaming
4 of 13
Name 8 icings, fillings, glazes and coverings
Buttercream, pastry cream, whipped cream, Chantilly cream, jam, chocolate, ganache and marzipan
5 of 13
Name 3 finishing methods
Portioning, cutting and glazing
6 of 13
Why do you use biscuits, cakes and sponges
To show of chef's skills and to fill the gap between lunch and dinner
7 of 13
Why is it important to check the quality points for biscuits ,cakes and sponges
Impacts the outcome, ensure the quality and regular quality checks on ingredients ensure consistent product
8 of 13
What are the preparation methods for biscuits, cakes and sponges
Portioning, greasing, lining and baking
9 of 13
Why is it important to use the correct cooking temperatures
Compliance with food legislation, avoid over cooking/under cooking and to meet dish requirements
10 of 13
What are the faults when is comes to biscuit, cakes and sponges
Peaked cracked, cake has sunk, sugary speckled crust, coarse heavy texture, coarse open texture , very dry texture and fruit as sunk
11 of 13
What causes this
Ovens too hot, too much sugar, too much liquid, too much raising agents, overcooking
12 of 13
What are the finishing and decorating techniques used
Portioning, cutting, glazing, piping, feathering and dusting and plating suitable for surfaces
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 2 types of cake


Cupcakes and madeira

Card 3


Name 2 types of sponge


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 4 preparation method you would use


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 8 icings, fillings, glazes and coverings


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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