Biology-B3-Types of Pathogens

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 28-03-22 19:20
What is health?
a state of physical and mental wellbeing
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What is disease?
a condition that causes ill health
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What is a communicable disease?
a disease that can be spread from person to person. They are spread by pathogens such as bacteria or viruses
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What is a non-communicable disease?
a disease that cannot be spread from person to person. They cannot be spread by pathogens
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What is a pathogen?
a microorganism that causes infectious disease
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What are the four types of pathogens?
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How do bacteria make us feel ill?
(4 steps)
1) they enter the ______ ______
2)they begin to _________ _______
3)the bacteria releases ________
4)these toxins damage our______ and ______
human body
replicate rapidly
cells and tissues
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How do viruses make us feel ill?
1) they enter the _______ ______
2) the virus HAS to _____ _ ____ ____
3) the virus begins to ______ ______
4) the host cell _______
5) this releases more of the virus to _____ _____ ____
human body
enter a host cells
replicate rapidly
infect other cells
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What is a key difference in bacteria and viruses?
bacteria can replicate anywhere
a virus has to enter a host cell
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What are all protists?
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Most protists are?
single celled
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Some protists are what?
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How do parasites cause damage?
they live on or in organisms to cause damage
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How are protists often spread?
transferred by a vector
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Some fungi are?
single celled
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Other types of fungi have a ______made up of ________
body made up of hyphae
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What are hyphae?
thread like structures
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How does hyphae cause disease?
they can grow and penetrate human skin and the surface of plants causing disease
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What else can hyphae produce?
spores which can be spread to other plants and animals
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What are three main ways in which pathogens are spread?
direct contact
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-Some pathogens can be carried in the ____ an then _______ __
air and then breathed in
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-Some airborne pathogens are carried through ________ of a _________ or ________ for example _________
droplets of a sneeze or cough for example influenza
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Some pathogens can be spread by ________ or ________ in dirty water for example _________
drinking or bathing in dirty water for example cholera
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Some pathogens can be spread through touching________ _______for example _____ _____
contaminated surfaces
athletes foot
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Some can be spread ________ _______for example ____
between individuals
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is disease?


a condition that causes ill health

Card 3


What is a communicable disease?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a non-communicable disease?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a pathogen?


Preview of the front of card 5
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