Biology-B3-Non-specific Defence Systems

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 09-06-21 19:26
What is the job of the non-specific defence system?
to prevent pathogens from entering human body
1 of 30
What are the 2 types of barriers?
mechanical and chemical
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What is the skin?
mechanical barrier
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What does it do?
form a protective layer, covering the body
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What type of cells does the outer layer of skin consist of?
dead cells
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What does this cause for the pathogens?
difficult for pathogens to penetrate
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What is the oily substance called produced by the skin?
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What can sebum do?
kill bacteria
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What will happen if the skin is damaged?
it will heal itself by forming a scab
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How is the scab formed?
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What type of barrier are eyes?
chemical barrier
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What do they produce?
tears containing enzymes
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What type of enzyme ?
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What does the do?
prevent infection
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What does the nose contain?
hairs and mucus
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What type of barrier is mucus?
chemical barrier
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What type of barriers are hairs?
mechanical barriers
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What do the hairs do?
trap pathogens before they enter breathing system
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What does the mucus do?
traps pathogens
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How are the pathogens removed?
when the nose is blown
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What are the cells called that line the trachea?
ciliated cells
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What are ciliated cells?
cells with cilia(little hairs smaller than nose hairs)
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What are they covered in ?
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How are the pathogens removed?
the cilia waft mucus towards throat into the stomach
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Which cells are is the mucus produced in?
goblet cells
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What type of barrier is stomach acid?
chemical barrier
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What is stomach acid also known as?
hydrochloric acid
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What does this acid do?
kill pathogens before they travel further down digestive system.
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What are non-specific defence systems also known as?
the body's first line of defence
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What happens if the pathogen manages to pass the first line of defence?
the second line of defence is activated: the immune system
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 2 types of barriers?


mechanical and chemical

Card 3


What is the skin?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does it do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What type of cells does the outer layer of skin consist of?


Preview of the front of card 5
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