Biology-B3-The Immune System

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 12-06-21 11:17
What is one purpose of the immune system?
to destroy pathogens and prevent disease
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What is another purpose of the immune system?
protects us from infection from same pathogen
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Which type of cells are involved in the immune system?
white blood cells
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What are the three main functions of white blood cells in the immune system?
phagocytosis, antitoxins and antibodies
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What is the first stage of phagocytosis?
WBC will detect chemicals from pathogen and move towards it
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What is the second stage in phagocytosis?
WBC engulfs and ingests pathogen
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What is the third stage in phagocytosis?
WBC releases enzymes to destroy pathogen
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What are antibodies?
protein molecules produced by WBC
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Which type of WBC produces antibodies?
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What is the first stage in antibody production?
WBC detects pathogens and releases antibodies
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What is the second stage in antibody production?
The pathogens are destroyed
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What is one key thing about antibodies?
they are extremely specific
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What do pathogens have on their surface?
foreign antigens
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What are antigens?
unique molecules
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What do the antibodies bind to?
the antigens
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What happens once antibodies have been produced for that pathogen?
they will remain in the blood for a long time
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Why do they remain in the blood?
to prevent infection in the future from the same pathogen

this means antibodies can be produced very quick
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Why do we get a cold every year if we have already had it?
the cold bacteria evolves and mutates causing new variants for which the body needs to produce new antibodies for
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What are antitoxins?
chemicals that neutralise toxins released from bacteria
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What is the first stage of antitoxin production?
the pathogen will release toxins
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What is the second stage?
WBC will produce antitoxins
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What is the third stage?
antitoxins will bind and counteract with toxins
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What is the fourth stage?
toxins become neutralised
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What are the two types of WBC?
phagocytes and lymphocytes
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What are phagocytes for?
they directly attack invading pathogen
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What are lymphocytes for?
producing antibodies
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What is a misconception with WBC
WBC can be found anywhere in the body, not just the blood.
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Card 2


What is another purpose of the immune system?


protects us from infection from same pathogen

Card 3


Which type of cells are involved in the immune system?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the three main functions of white blood cells in the immune system?


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Card 5


What is the first stage of phagocytosis?


Preview of the front of card 5
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