Other questions in this quiz

2. in the Lee-Thorpe 2008 report on the consumption of maize in North America why could the contribution of maize not be detected in the diet with carbon isotopes?

  • because the collagen was to degraded to give meaningful results
  • Authors tested collagen which only tracks the protein contribution of your diet. You would have to eat A LOT of maize for it to show up as a major protein contributor
  • because the archaeological evidence was misleading

3. there are a lot of things that can alter the nitrogen content of plants... the soil it was grown in, the type of plant, manuring, bacteria, and ...

  • water stress
  • insects
  • temperature

4. Ice cores and marine Cores are also good at identifying

  • Dansgaard-Oecher events
  • Dansgaard-Oeschger events
  • Dansgard-Oshger events

5. ice cores have revolutionised our understanding of global climate. Why?

  • they are very effective at giving high definition long term global sequences
  • they have been used to calibrate radiocarbon dates
  • they tell us a lot about local temperature so we can understand human communities living in the polar regions


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