Belief's on Sex - RE Revision

What are some of the overall belief's about sex?
-It’s a gift from God. -It binds people together.- It can create new life. -It can cause great pain e.g. ****.
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What are some Christian belief's on sex?
-n the bible, God says “be fruitful and multiply – so sex is intended for having children. It makes an intimate bond between two people. God’s intention is that it should be an expression of love in a committed relationship between a man and a wome
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What are some Muslim belief's on sex?
Sex is intended for marriage alone. Sex is a holy act, an act of worship. It contributes to Allah’s creation by producing children.
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What are the teachings of the main religions view on sex before marriage?
Sex is intended for the marriage relationship, sex before marriage is regarded as wrong.
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What are some other negative views on sex before marriage?
It can lead to promiscuity. Sex can be devalued ie. Recreational instead of committed. Can use people as play things. Increased risk of unwanted pregnancies and STI’s/STD’s.
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Chastity - What is it and how is it shown by young christians?
To keep yourself sexually pure. Some young Christians have taken to wearing a promise ring to show their commitment to waiting for marriage. This helps them resist peer pressure. They want the special someone to be first.
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Celibacy - What is it? Give some examples of someone who would be celibate.
A decision to not have a sexual relationship at all. It may be to concentrate more fully on a religious calling eg. Nuns and monks take a vow of celibacy. All Roman Catholic Priests are celibate.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are some Christian belief's on sex?


-n the bible, God says “be fruitful and multiply – so sex is intended for having children. It makes an intimate bond between two people. God’s intention is that it should be an expression of love in a committed relationship between a man and a wome

Card 3


What are some Muslim belief's on sex?


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Card 4


What are the teachings of the main religions view on sex before marriage?


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Card 5


What are some other negative views on sex before marriage?


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