  • Created by: asmita1
  • Created on: 13-01-18 02:08
What type of bacteria dont have cell walls?
1 of 12
what is the third layer that surrounds some bacteria called?
a capsule :The cell capsule is a very large structure of some prokaryotic cells, such as bacterial cells. It is a polysaccharide layer that lies outside the cell envelope of bacteria, and is thus deemed part of the outer envelope of a bacterial cell.
2 of 12
How can bacteria be classified?
- by the nature of their cell wall -their shape - the differences in their genetic makeup
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what is the cell wall of prokaryotes made out of?
4 of 12
how does the gram stain differentiate bacteria?
it differentiates bacteria by the nature of their cell wall, gram positive = purple , gram negative = pink
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what type of bacteria (gram +/-) is more sensitive to beta lactam antibiotic?
gram positive
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what type of bacteria contains a lipopolysacharide membrane ?
gram negative, lipopolysacchrides are important for virulence for evading eg during phagocytosis it acts as a barrier to certain antibitocis
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what type of bacteria contains telchoic acid threading through the peptidoglycan?
gram positive
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what is the difference between a capsule and slime layer?
Many bacterial cells secrete some extracellular material in the form of a capsule or a slime layer. A slime layer is loosely associated with the bacterium and can be easily washed off, whereas a capsule is attached tightly to the bacterium.
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What is the slime layer?
Substance produced by bacteria which is sticky and made out of polysaccharides. It aids the bacteria in forming biofilms for attachment or communicatiom. It also protectst he cell from DEHYDRATION and stops nutrients from leaving the cell.
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function of pilli in bactera
hair like structures which are involved in forming biofilms and the attachment of cells (sex pilli is used for dna transfer during conjugation)
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what a endosporeee?????///
endospore is a dormant form of a bacteria innit : so its a metabolically inactive form of the bacterium which is highly resistant to adverse environmnetal condtions
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Card 2


what is the third layer that surrounds some bacteria called?


a capsule :The cell capsule is a very large structure of some prokaryotic cells, such as bacterial cells. It is a polysaccharide layer that lies outside the cell envelope of bacteria, and is thus deemed part of the outer envelope of a bacterial cell.

Card 3


How can bacteria be classified?


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Card 4


what is the cell wall of prokaryotes made out of?


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Card 5


how does the gram stain differentiate bacteria?


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