Backup and Recovery

  • Created by: MiyaKanth
  • Created on: 07-03-17 09:40
What is an Incremental Backup?
Backs up files which have changed since the last backup
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What is a Full Backup?
Making a copy of all the files on the sysytem
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What is the difference between a Differential and Incremental Backup?
Differential Backups is copying files which have changed since the last Full Backup whereas Incremtal Backups are copies of files made that have changed since the last backup (wether it was a full backup or and incremenatl backup before)
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Definition of a Backup
Copies of software and data kept so that the data can be recovered should there be a total loss of the ICT system
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What is RAID?
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
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What is the purpose of RAID's?
Two or more hardrive where data is writte on simultaneosly to create two duplicated disks, hardrives used in combination for fault tolerance. Known ask disk mirroring, this way if the system fails the system can instantly switch to the other disk
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How often should you backup?
Depends on the organisation
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Name 5 types of Backup Media
DAT Tapes (Digital Audio Tapes) External Hardrives Internal Hardrives Online Backup Mobile Phone
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What is Clustering?
Clustering is where servers and storgae devices are networked togther so that the dependance on one file server and one storage device is eliminated
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Advantages of External Hardrives
Small in size, huge capacity, cheap, connected via USB port
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Disadvantages of External Hardrives
Can have hardware malfuntions and loose data
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Advanatges of Internal Hardrives
Main hard disk of computure and everything can be backed up or copied ther and then, can make changes easily as you go along
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Disadvantages of Internal Hardrives
If PC is damaged or stolen backups will be lost aswell
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Adavantages of Online Backup
Can take place anywhere and anytime, data can be kept off site secure location
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Disadvantages of Online Backup
Data can be hacked into or misudes by unprofessional staff
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Adavantages of Mobile Phones
Bluetooth, Apps, transferable memory cards, USB connection, transfere backup files
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Disadvantages of Mobile Phones
Small memory, not good quality
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a Full Backup?


Making a copy of all the files on the sysytem

Card 3


What is the difference between a Differential and Incremental Backup?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Definition of a Backup


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is RAID?


Preview of the front of card 5
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