B3-Infection and Response

There are several types of pathogens. They are microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease. They are communicable and both plants and animals can be affected. They can be spread by water, air and direct contact.
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Types of Pathogens 1
1. Bacteria-very small cells which can reproduce rapidly. They can make you feel ill by producing toxins.
2. Viruses-not cells 1/100th the size of bacterium. Can produce rapidly, live inside cells and replicate themselves. The cell with then usually burst
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Types of Pathogens 2
4. Protists-Single-celled eukaryotes. Some protists are parasites that live on or in other organisms, can cause them damage. Often transferred by a vector. 3. Fungi-Some are single-celled others have a body made up of hyphae (thread like structures).
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Viral Diseases, Fungal disease, and a disease caused by a Protist
Need to know 3 viral diseases: measles, spread by droplets from sneeze, HIV spread by sexually contact, TMV-affects plants. A fungals disease-Rose black spots, spreads in environment by water and wind. And a disease caused by a protist-malaria-mosquitoes.
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Bacterial diseases+preventing them
Need to know 2 bacterial diseases: salmonella, caused from food poisoning and gonorrhoea (STD). The 4 ways of preventing spread are being hygienic, destroying vectors, isolating infected individuals and vaccinations.
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Fighting disease
Your body has a defence system such as skin, mucus, etc. Immune system can also attack pathogens. White blood cells can engulf foreign class and digest them (phagocytosis). Some types of white blood cells come across a foreign antigens+produce antibodies.
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Card 2


1. Bacteria-very small cells which can reproduce rapidly. They can make you feel ill by producing toxins.
2. Viruses-not cells 1/100th the size of bacterium. Can produce rapidly, live inside cells and replicate themselves. The cell with then usually burst


Types of Pathogens 1

Card 3


4. Protists-Single-celled eukaryotes. Some protists are parasites that live on or in other organisms, can cause them damage. Often transferred by a vector. 3. Fungi-Some are single-celled others have a body made up of hyphae (thread like structures).


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Card 4


Need to know 3 viral diseases: measles, spread by droplets from sneeze, HIV spread by sexually contact, TMV-affects plants. A fungals disease-Rose black spots, spreads in environment by water and wind. And a disease caused by a protist-malaria-mosquitoes.


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Card 5


Need to know 2 bacterial diseases: salmonella, caused from food poisoning and gonorrhoea (STD). The 4 ways of preventing spread are being hygienic, destroying vectors, isolating infected individuals and vaccinations.


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