B1 Diet and Cholesterol

A high level of cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of what?
Plagues in the walls of the arteries
1 of 7
what causes a heart attack?
a clot blocks one of the arteries that take oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. This means the muscle cannot work properly, so the heart cannot beat properly
2 of 7
What does eating saturated fats do?
raises blood cholesteral levels
3 of 7
what does eating unsaturated fats do?
Lowers blood cholesteral levels
4 of 7
What are the 2 ways blood is carried in your blood?
Low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein.
5 of 7
What does low density lipoprotein do?
cause heart disease
6 of 7
What does high denisty lipoprotein do?
protect against heart disease to remove cholesteral from the walls of the blood vessels
7 of 7

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Card 2


what causes a heart attack?


a clot blocks one of the arteries that take oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. This means the muscle cannot work properly, so the heart cannot beat properly

Card 3


What does eating saturated fats do?


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Card 4


what does eating unsaturated fats do?


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Card 5


What are the 2 ways blood is carried in your blood?


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