B ; mass protest ; indiv. imp. ; john cartwright

what was his big thing?
hampden clubs
1 of 28
what meant britain had lost sole national org 4 radicalness?
suppression of LCS + others
2 of 28
when did new life start to breath into british radicalism after that whole **** radicals phase?
3 of 28
from who especially?
john cartwright, shocking, right?
4 of 28
when did he publish his first radical pamphlet 4 univ suff?
5 of 28
what did he form in 1812 ldn?
hampden club
6 of 28
how much was the annual subscription?
two guineas
7 of 28
which meant?
bare spenny so bare exclusive
8 of 28
and limited membership to?
small no. MC / aristocratic men
9 of 28
after 1812 cartwright toured industria north / mindlands + saw?
widespread poverty / bad living cotton towns
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what did he become convinced was the only remedy for this?
parliamentary reform
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and encouraged creation of what from 1816?
regional hampden clubs
12 of 28
why different from london club?
membership open to all that paid 1p weekly and frequent debate meetings
13 of 28
in many ways filled what gap?
14 of 28
which disbanded?
15 of 28
and formally outlawed in?
16 of 28
what did rapid hampden growth convince cartwright to organise?
plenary meeting for local delegates in london
17 of 28
18 of 28
to do what?
settle matters of policy
19 of 28
what did they agree on?
universal suffrage / annual parliaments / broad petitioning strategy
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who weren't convinced of club peaceful intentions?
local authorities
21 of 28
what did they do to them?
arrest on any excuse or none
22 of 28
what did magistrates in mcr do?
employ spies to attend meetings and file reports
23 of 28
what did these reports often do?
exaggerate threat from radicals
24 of 28
acting on reports what happened?
magistrates arrested club members and charged with seditious meetings
25 of 28
what happened to bamford and others arrested in 1817?
sent to LDN prison then released few months l8r w/o charge
26 of 28
what did actions like this mean for clubs?
unable to operate effectively
27 of 28
after what year?
28 of 28

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what meant britain had lost sole national org 4 radicalness?


suppression of LCS + others

Card 3


when did new life start to breath into british radicalism after that whole **** radicals phase?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


from who especially?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


when did he publish his first radical pamphlet 4 univ suff?


Preview of the front of card 5
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