Augustus quotes part 3

  • Created by: emilk124
  • Created on: 25-05-17 19:17
'He kept only the Sibylline Books'
Seutonius DA 31: Shows Aug restoring the old ways by keeping older books
1 of 15
'official negligence had allowed the calender...he put it straight again'
Seutonius DA 31: Shows Aug restoring the calender
2 of 15
'the Saecular Games'
Seutonius DA 31: shows Aug restoring religious games
3 of 15
Denarius of 16 BC
Obverse: bust of Venus Reverse: a ladle for Pontifex, augur's lituus, tripod for the 15, sacrificial bowl
4 of 15
'Augustus showed great respect towards all ancient and long established foreign rites, but despised the rest'
Seutonius DA 93: shows Aug liking certain gods but not all
5 of 15
'To whom shall Jupiter assign the task of sin's atonement?'
Horace, Odes 1.2: Augs was sent by the gods
6 of 15
'Mercury...if you have changed your form and on earth are imitating a youth and willing to be called Caeser's avenger'
Horace, Odes 1.2: openly stating they Aug is the messager god to help the people of Rome
7 of 15
Denarius of 17 BC
reverse: the Salii's priest's hat between two shields of the 11 copys to hide Mars shield
8 of 15
'add to our blessing already received a destine blessed'
Horace, Carmen Saeculare: Aug is the best thing for Rome
9 of 15
'Augustus will be held a god amongst us'
Horace Odes 3.5: shows Augustus wanted to be linked/be a gos
10 of 15
'Your time, Caesar, has restored rich harvest to the fields'
Horace Odes 4.15: shows everything is good with Augustus there in Rome
11 of 15
'I have given an empire without bounds'
Virgil, Aeneid: Aug will expand the empire
12 of 15
'you shall welcome him, heaped with the Orient's spoils, and hetoo shall be called upon in prayer'
Virgil, Aeneid: Aug will be a god and be dified
13 of 15
'Then shall be closed the gates of War, grim with their close-bolted bars of iron'
Virgil, Aeneid: closing of the temple of Janus to symbolise the end of civil war
14 of 15
'Augustus Caesar, son of god, who shall bring back again the age of gold to Latium'
Virgil, Aeneid: religious connection, tradition will be brought back
15 of 15

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Card 2


Seutonius DA 31: Shows Aug restoring the calender


'official negligence had allowed the calender...he put it straight again'

Card 3


Seutonius DA 31: shows Aug restoring religious games


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Card 4


Obverse: bust of Venus Reverse: a ladle for Pontifex, augur's lituus, tripod for the 15, sacrificial bowl


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Seutonius DA 93: shows Aug liking certain gods but not all


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