Other questions in this quiz

2. What did the orphan study test for?

  • The extent to which orphaned children are bullied and whether or not they can recover from this
  • The extent to which good after care can make up for early experiences in institutions
  • Whether or not orphans can form attachments

3. What important practical application did Langton say the results of the research had?

  • Social workers - helping social workers to identify more easily children at risk and deal with it sooner
  • Improvements to care homes - introduction of 'key workers' to play a central role in a child's care as opposed to having many careers
  • Improvements to care homes - making sure each child has at least three careers, more if possible

4. Who did the Bucharest Early Intervention Project?

  • Zeanah
  • Rutter
  • Bowlby
  • Rotter

5. What development areas were the orphans tested for at ages 4, 6, 11, 15?

  • Physical, cognitive and emotional
  • Physical, cognitive, biological and emotional
  • Physical, cognitive, biological
  • Cognitive, emotional, biological


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